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Sly WHite 2

Posted on February 25, 2022 by Sly

If that entrance and fighting area within the Ark had been impressive- it hardly compared to what existed at the top of those never-ending stairs. The hallways and bedrooms and offices and...whatever else existed on the top floor of the Ark were far more luxurious and opulent then even what existed below. It made sense, Sly supposed, why offer guests and visitors the very best the Ark had to offer when it could be kept for those that lived here. A perk of being part of the pack- or so Sly presumed. The inner workings of the Were race were something of a mystery to him and yet, hell, maybe after they had finished moving the eight billion cumbersome boxes and putting together that desk Carlina would have time to enlighten him on her species. It never hurt to learn, right? Sly's very comment on the Ark's interior prompted a quick agreement from the slender, attractive young woman across from him as they maneuvered that box down the hall and toward Tetradre's office. The new Ark, Carolina insisted, was superior to the old one. Even if she had enjoyed the old ones rust and grime. Sly's own features scowled ever so slightly at the thought. He remembered the old Ark- if only barely. He'd hardly paid it much attention back then and yet it was hardly difficult to imagine that it had surely paled in comparison to this. Still, he supposed, he understood Carolina's insistence that the rust and grime hadn't bothered her. His own cluttered, dingy apartment still felt like home- no matter how, well, shit it was.



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