As much as Cobain loves the taste of blood, there has been something lately he has been thirsting for even more so, but something that he knows he will never get it. Revenge, something best served cold. He would so enjoy ripping her apart. He would dance around her body like a child around a Christmas tree, blood red eyes widening with madness. But maybe he stays with Risque because there is a sense of completeness there that he would never be able to find because he is so hollow. Maybe in the end he stays because because he doesn't know what else to do, because he was finally brave enough to look inside himself, at all the rotting bugs that are his emotions, at the dead landscape of his heart (his dead, dead heart) and he is disgusted by what he has found. There is no salvation for Cobain no hope for Gods and demons to steal him away from the uncomfortble stupor in which he lives his daily life. He has been shaken to the bones by his own insides.
He hates himself, yet, but he'll never admit this.
His deep, elegant red eyes hold their mysteries, and something of a smirk within them. But in the same instant, they grow empty. The onyx haired vampire watches as the other vampire speak, his interest little to none. "It would be a feeding frenzy," he says, his voice almost rough as if he weren't used to speaking this much, and really, he wasnt. Eyes look out from beneath those ebony lashes at the other vampire.
Cobain, the pale hell demon with eyes of crimson, he likes that he surprises the other vampire, catches him off guard. "Visit all you'd like," Cobain says with a shrug. He never cared for those who ventured over to the club, preferring to keep to himself and away from the big cats that Risque manipulated and away from Darcy, the insufferably annoying man who it seemed his life goal was to annoy Cobain. Who holds his leash? Cobain stares at him for a moment before almost a flicker of a malicious grin twitches his cheek, only to allow that stoic expression to swallow it whole, like a glutton for emotion. "Risque," he says, the single syllable, yet it holds so much more. He eyes Damon wearily before he turns away from the vampire. "I am sure she would love to see you," is all he says before he disappears into the night, to once more fulfill his duty of spreading Risque's misery.