
Within the Northern vicinity of the city, the wealthy gather behind meticulously trimmed hedges and high-class architecture. The pristine streets are paved with stone and the storefronts are brightly lit and inviting - for the right clientele. In the North, every establishment is eager to cater to the rich and the wealthy. Many such places are used to the sometimes peculiar requests of the otherworldly but here there is little that money cannot buy - whether it happens to be illegal or merely involves looking the other way. Vampires and Dark Hunters are often found upon these Northern streets, their long lives often contributing to their sizable wealth which allows them the luxuries that the North provides.

What You'll Find Here

The VooDoo Room
The Witchery

for pleasure seldom has a cure

Posted on August 13, 2020 by SEBASTIAN ELLINGTON-ARAGONA

Sebastian Ellington-Aragona

His Royal Highness, Prince of Italy

There were few times within Sebastian's life that the Incubus found any singular soul that warranted his 'return' after his indulgences. More often than not, the vampire was inclined to flutter through life, sleeping his way through thousands of beds he had no intention of ever revisiting. The offer upon his lips was not one he made lightly, though he was well aware that Carolina did not truly understand that French term nor the gravity of that bond that Sebastian was willing to gift her with. That glimpse of confusion upon her fair features prompted a vague explanation upon his part. Although it would have been easy to let the intimacy of that moment sweep her into that agreement, the Prince hardly wished for this to be something she regretted, particularly when he understood well how greatly she treasured her independence and how easily his offer could be viewed as little more than another sort of shackle to bind her. He hoped, sincerely, that she hardly viewed it as such. The bright blue of his irises hardly left her feminine features, even as her lips parted. Whatever words she intended to offer him, however, transformed into little more than a soft breath as Sebastian bid her to at least consider his proposal and all it entailed.

How heavily her thoughts seemed to prompt the girl to silence, her turquoise colored gaze only slowly turning from him several moments later. The query she finally voiced, however, was not one that the Englishman anticipated, albeit likely as a result of the decidedly little time in which he'd held that title of 'Prince'. After all, before now, he had been little more than just another nobody floating in the crowd, albeit one with eclectically good taste and a propensity for crafting an extraordinary chemical attraction. The remainder, albeit subtly of who he now was brought a hint of surprise to his features, one Sebastian could hardly hide. Truthfully, he'd never thought Carolina to question herself in such a manner...though the best of them could be laden with moments of self-doubt. Even Sebastian, once, had hardly thought himself fit for the attention of a King. A small simper crossed the Prince's features, even though he was well aware of the self-conscious manner in which Carolina had returned to tracing invisible patterns upon the solid plains of his chiseled chest.

It was only the sound of his foreign accent that seemed to bring her gaze upwards and towards him. The discretion the young woman had displayed regarding their previous tryst had hardly gone unnoticed by the vampire. That, in itself, was a trait of some merit, much less the simple fact that she had yet to attempt to truly gain anything from each of their encounters. Her acceptance of his privacy, however, was hardly the only thing that drew him to her, quite, on the contrary, there was a certain natural chemistry between the pair that could not be denied and Sebastian, in turn, had to admit he liked the young woman. That very declaration seemed to cause her gaze to abruptly turn upwards and back towards the vibrancy of Sebastian's own irises. His weak simper fluttered again across his features as he added, after a moment's pause, that so too did he appreciate her distinct taste - that of a certain British dessert. It was a shame the flavor had been so diluted with the familiar overriding notes of alcohol, the last time he had partaken of her.

His very mention of her unique flavor brought a breathy laugh to her lips, her voice entirely soft as she insisted that no one was perfect. The vampire's shoulder lifted in a vague shrug, that simper still present upon his features all the same as he watched the young woman nestled within his lap. Her acceptance, when it came, was soft and one-worded, the word alone prompted his brow to rise ever so slightly. Admittedly, when he suggested she consider it, he expected it to take her far longer to come to a conclusion than that. Still, Sebastian was not one to argue as she shifted within his lap, her arms draping around his neck. It was her inquiry of what this bond consisted of that prompted his gaze to drift from her, ever so slightly as he considered the next step. "A small exchange of blood, a ribbon around your wrist, and tomorrow I'll have my assistant bring by a contract for you to sign. Please look it over, Carolina, don't just sign it." He lamented, that age-old solicitor within him so arising, "I want to ensure you are clear on what I expect of you....and what I will give you in return. Vampires are....possessive creatures by nature and I fear I am no different."
