sebastian ellington
News of that newly opening club and bar that so catered to their kind had spread like rapid fire throughout the community of the undead. He had heard rumors, naturally, of what had occurred there, of the nightlife that had so existed between those walls, quite literally. There was a part of him, that bachelor man whom had spent nearly hundreds of years so within that very world that so ached to attend, regardless of the still relatively newfound commitment that he had eagerly taken up. It was perhaps that simple desire that so saw the man entirely willing to celebrate that one event in which he had taken to ignore altogether, more often than not. His birthday. Those winter months were entirely...difficult...for the Englishman, for more reason then one. There was no doubt he cherished the holidays and yet, he was also cursed to also celebrate two very different days within the span of only a week - the day he was born as a mortal man, and the day he'd been reborn as the immortal creature he now was. Still, he was willing to use them, both of them, as an excuse to so allow himself into that den of temptation. After all, with his impending decision to take Dorian away for the holidays, surely he too couldn't be entirely selfish with the man in the days leading up. He supposed he was willing enough to share him with the fae King's roommate, not that she liked the vampire terribly much to begin with.
Either way, such an adventure could hardly do without company and so, Sebastian saw fit to invite the only individuals of his species he actually liked to join him to this prominent new establishment. It took some coaxing to so pull Ceara from that bar she so often haunted, the man eventually having to break down to inform her why he was so seeking her company in the first place. The mention of so abandoning him upon his birthday seemed enough to guilt her into finally saying yes. Isolt herself was far easier to so eagerly agree to the notion, only at the request of so bringing her lover in tow. In truth, Sebastian hardly disliked Damon in the least. Though he had once enjoyed so coaxing that more protective nature within the vampire at every wayward flirtatious glance with the woman at his side, Sebastian was, quite truthfully, beginning to understand those once peculiar emotions with each passing day the Englishman spent at Dorian's side. Though he had once so opposed the fellow for abandoning that doe eyed woman whom was now his chosen leader, perhaps now, he admitted his judgement was a bit...rash.
As it was, however, the vampire was vastly more interested in that kindred spirit he had so found within Ceara at the given moment, appearing at the entryway of her bar exactly at the previously agreed upon hour. He had, in truth, become quite familiar with those halls, not only from his own sparse hunting but too from his ventures here to visit the inquisitive owner both with and without his Maker at his side. Tonight, he was quite pleased it was the latter. He took that 'employee' only staircase up towards the more cozy private rooms within that building, anticipating the woman would hardly mind his presence. It hardly took him all that long to find her, positioned in front of a long mirror, finishing any last adjustments to that tight fitting dress that so embraced her bodies. Sebastian paused, leaning against the doorframe as he simply watched the woman, a single eyebrow raised ever so slightly. "My, Ceara, I certainly didn't expect to enjoy all of this." He spoke after a moment of careful observation, an almost cocky simper dancing upon his features in that moment. It was only once he had her attention that the vampire crossed the space between them, his fingers running along her hips. "You look beautiful tonight, my dear. Are you ready? They'll be waiting for us." In truth, he was hardly one to rush beauty, especially when afforded the eye candy that Ceara was, apparently, so willing to offer him.