He watches closely the interaction with obvious stress mounting in his shocking blue eyes. he hated crowds, since the day he was born. people, liars, thieves and heartless fucks, why would he enjoy their company if all they wanted to do is fuck you over. the though of a large crowd made him uneasy, his paws dig further into the ground as a fox comes closer. the shyness of a fox was somewhat beautiful, like a ballad dance. Lucian's voice cuts his thoughts of the weaker gender, to what he orders. he lifts himself up, turning on a dime he pads a few feet away. he thought he saw a glint of something, he brushes it of. when he finally faces the other gang, with lucian still trying to free raven. a small silver dart passes beside him, his eyes caps the small fox.
He is slow to react, watching the dare-devil climb into lucian. it was like watching a movie on slow motion, its small jaws close into his leaders ankle. the brute sound of pain brings him into action. he jolts forward, mouth agape ready to pluck off the invader. a heavy snarl rumbles in his throat before he clamps his mouth around the fox's scruff. he tried to pull the small little fox off without hurting it, or trying not no crush it under his massive jaw power.
saliva starting to built up in his mouth as he keeps the small predator in his mouth.
"let go shrimp" he spats out as better as he can with his mouth full. his shocking blue eyes land on lucian as he tries to get the thing off of his leader,
Little shit he voices in his head. he gives one last snarl, the growl echoing from deep within his mouth.
His thought about turning his back to the not so equally balanced she-wolf was rather nagging him. that woman was down right crazy in his opinion the way she stares, just like loki had. the other fox who seems to keep raven as a shield seems to be to shy to intervene at the moment, and raven was quite stuck herself.
His truck -
Werewolf eyes -
werewolf coloring