I bet on me and my own heartbeat As his nose wrinkles in distaste, Kathryn finds herself instantly wondering if perhaps she smelled, self conscious of what could be causing that unpleasant look on her face. She grabs the neck of her hoodie and attempts to discreetly take a small sniff to ensure that it was not her that smelled. Nothing. Huh. Though, of course she doesn't know that it was actually she who smelled, it just wasn't body odor, but rather the blood that ran silver inside her veins, distributed from her heart and weaving through her body like minuscule race cars. He chuckles again and Kathryn has a hard time deciding whether his laugh was good-natured, or manic. She decides it is neither and just decides that it was mysterious that was what she found to be so interesting. Something about him, it reminded her of the anglerfish, you know the one that lurks in the deep, dark depths of the ocean, with its little ball of light to hypnotize the fish into its awaiting mouth where the poor, little fish then succumbs to its death by vicious teeth. Yeah, thats what this guy reminds her of. But Kathryn is no helpless little fish though, of course she is neither the predatory shark, far from that. No, Kathryn was more like a dog tossed into the ocean. Perfectly capable of taking care of herself, but entirely out of her element as she attempts to doggy paddle to shore. Intriguing? He found her intriguing. Kathryn raises a tiny eyebrow in response to him. Intriguing hasn't been a word she has heard in a long time, especially never about herself. Kathryn was normal, just plain and simple. Sure, she had pretty eyes, bright and blue, but tons of people had blue eyes. And sure, she grew up well off and never wanted for anything, but lots of people grew up that same way. These things didn't make Kathryn special, they were just circumstances of life and the traits of her being a human being. She doesn't like that gleam in his eyes, it is dangerous, feral even. As a thoughtful silence envelopes them, as the man seems to contemplate taking her request of whether or not to kill the unconscious man, Kathryn feels herself holding her breath, like if she doesn't breathe then maybe no one would die tonight. But her breath exhales suddenly as he invites her to tag along with him. Was he crazy? He just attacked those guys, and he was a total stranger to her. As far as Kathryn knew, he could be attempting to lead her to her death. Despite the rational side that states these reasons not to go with the man, the little witch finds herself closing the gap between them, yet still with hesitant steps. "No, I don't have any other plans..." she says drawing her sentence off, not wanting to outright say that she would go with him, binding herself to this strange and dangerous man for the evening. "Well, I'll just say you're the first," she says with a tiny shrug of her shoulders before pondering just a moment. "And the last," she states, deciding that this wild world of vampires would be just a bit too much to handle. She will stick to just plain ole humans like herself, thank you very much. Well, at least she thought she was human. He takes her hand, wow is handshake was strong. Kathryn attempts to match his grip, wanting to show him that she was not to be messed with (though Kathryn probably couldn't intimidate a mouse to be honest), but she knows that she could never ever quite match the strength of a vampire. She's seen Twilight, read Dracula she knows they have super strength, that was at least one thing all vampire tales seemed to have in common. "Well, lets see how long I can go without...Damon," she says, adding his name as if the green light to see how long she can go without finding him to be an ass. He turns, picking up the limp man and tossing him over his shoulder as if he weighed nothing, Kathryn's blue eyes widen. Impressive, she thinks, but deciding not to say it out loud to give him the satisfaction of such praise. He then begins to just walking off, whistling as if carrying an unconscious body were the most casual thing in the world. Feet remained rooted to the ground as she hesitates, turning her head over her shoulder, back the way she had came, back before she knew that vampires were real. Blue eyes return to Damon's form as she sees him getting further ahead. "Wait," she calls out and jogs towards him before she can stop herself. Kathryn catches up to him and begins walking beside him, looking as if she could be his kid sister at a whole half a foot shorter. "Where are we going? And why do you need him?" She asks, blue eyes attempting to look anywhere but the limp body, uncomfortable with the whole situation. The little witch searches Damon's face, asking a question she hasn't said allowed. Why bring her along? |