
The southern part of the city has a chic family-oriented sort of charm to it. Here, small locally owned shops run rampant, neighbors often know each other by name, and the monthly socials are an event not to be missed. In the South, children can often be seen safely playing in the park or on sidewalks and in the weekends, families often take to the beach to enjoy the warm waters surrounding the city.

What You'll Find Here

Ascension Center of Equitation
Hyde Park
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
The Outskirts
The University of Sacrosanct

weep for yourself, my man

Posted on January 31, 2018 by malek ackerman


Malek is content to listen to Tetradore, his head dipping in acceptance. It wouldn't be the first time the man had used his powers for such things, though, he hardly cared to use it that way. As Malek attempts to piece together why this coven would want Damon's bride, he's not entirely prepared for the way Damon lunges at him. Steel eyes widen slightly as he sidesteps away from the man, narrowly avoiding him. If he had been any closer there might have been a wound he would be tending at the moment, and yet, Malek was lucky. The vampire merely blinks at the enraged man, listening to his snarling in all its glory. He supposed he would have been the same if he had someone like Isolt. Malek hardly replies, not wanting to infuriate the man more as he seems to physically shake with such rage that courses through his body. Instead, he continues his discussion with Tetradore, though the vampire is wary of Damon now and keeps an eye on him. What he didn't need was to be going home wounded and hungry.

The scent of blood drifts through the air as he turns his steely gray eyes back on Damon, noting the trickle of blood that so seeps from his lip. It was Damon's explanation of the prophecy that has Malek pausing, his brows furrowing as he racks his brain. For a man that loved history... he had never heard mention of this prophecy once. He supposed it wasn't that farfetched that he simply had never heard it before. Still, he would tag along, simply because he wanted to find Chizue, not for this woman he had never met. As he makes a lighthearted remark, he sighs as Damon snaps at him, clearly his jolly good nature would do no good here. Shrugging his shoulders, he glances over at Tetradore and falls silent, not wanting to be snarled at again. As they begin to piece together a plan, Damon all but demands they follow him, and follow him is just what they do, exiting that tent, he trails behind the fellow vampire as he leads them to a vehicle.

Malek hardly hesitates as he quickly slips into the back seat, not caring to sit next to the man and instead leaves it open for Tetradore. Let the were-creature deal with the enraged vampire. The revving of the engine has Malek blinking at the back of the man's head, though he's silent for the time being, allowing his mind to wander to Chizue, worry gnawing at his gut. He had grown to care for her in their short time together and yet, he still hardly knew her. Why would a witch coven take Chizue? Frowning, he rack his brain from their conversations and there was not one thing he could think of that would make Malek think she was in danger.