Goodness knows she'd truly tried. She really, truly had! But, it was simply how the young huntress was, fretting over those that she so adored. Well, perhaps not so much Frost, the man with snow-white hair and those eyes the woman could hardly get enough of for all their unique charm despite their ever-cool and neutral expression seeming like the absolute definition of someone whom most did their best to give a wide berth. Why, the honey-blonde hardly knew, though in the same moment she had an idea that he wasn't always as kind as he was with her. It was likely those baked treats that she was always so willing to share with him, the man seeming to thoroughly enjoy those carrot cupcakes with cream cheese dolloped generously on top of those delightfully sweet treats. And, it should come as no surprise in the least that she very much enjoyed making those cupcakes for him, ever the creature that took tremendous joy and pride in managing to lift that otherwise solemn and serious look to the were's face whenever she might so have the opportunity to. Then again, she was always eager to make someone smile, whether they were one of her nearest and dearest friends â€" which, more or less, was everyone â€" or a complete and total stranger. It had been something Ellie had needed to adjust to, the cold indifference with which so many regarding the world as they walked through the crowded and often busy streets of the city. Elkgrove had been nowhere near as large as Sacrosanct, if anything only amount to the southern district as far as general population was concerned. But, it had been a warm place. Maybe not the warmest, like the sort of rural country town where everyone knew everyone's name and the neighbors were always happy to wave and have a small conversation with those they lived next to, but all the same it was where most would at least acknowledge the existence of those they shared the sidewalks with. It was easy to recognize a face and not quite know the name belonging to it, but here, everything was entirely different. No one seemed to look up from their phones, or if they did, it was to search for their destination or the next street they would be crossing. She'd lost count of just how many times someone has bumped into her on the street and acted as though it was her fault for being in the way, and even then, the young woman would murmur a soft apology that always seemed to go unnoticed. The city was a cold place compared to her hometown, and while she's grown accustomed to it, that hardly meant she would allow for the city to change her at all.
It went without saying that she worried most over the white-haired witch who was by far her bestest friend in the world. She'd gone missing, vanished without so much as a single or the slightest trace, and it was enough to have the huntress anxious for the fierce woman. Why, she couldn't exactly justify, considering it had been Vhalla who had protected her against the man in the alleyway who'd attempted to take advantage of her. It had been Vhalla who'd managed to break the honey-blonde from her usual routine and take her out on a spontaneous â€" and illegal â€" adventure to one of the classier bars within the city. Ellie being somewhat admittedly naïve to the idea of bars and liquor, all she'd ever considered such establishments to be like were the grungy holes in the wall on the bad side of town, the air thick with the foul and strong scent of cigarette smoke and alcohol as men and women alike let loose of their inhibitions. Had it not been for Vhal and the witch's great taste in locations, perhaps that might have still been the young woman's outlook on such places. And yet, even despite the incident that had left Ellie shaken to her core, there was no question that the honey-blonde would do it all over again with the white-haired woman. She adored her to the ends of the earth and back, having been the very first friend she's ever made. And, the very first woman other than herself that seemed to have the ability to handle her less than polite and warm brother. Then, there was the sweet blue-eyed blonde woman, her second closest friend, Beylani. Just like Vhal, she seems to have gone missing, and still Ellie did not mind going over to the apartment and tending to the ever-sweet and needy tortoiseshell feline that was now developing a habit of waiting eagerly for the huntress to walk into the small Riverdale apartment and tend to the litter box and empty food dishes. Content to sit with Chika for hours with a good book, wanting to be more company to the poor thing that was surely going lonely without her human, Ellie has in turn made it a habit of going to Lani's apartment first thing in the morning, though she was sure that such a routine would need to change if Lani didn't come home soon... In all honesty, Eliie had dared to muse the idea of taking the feline back to her townhouse in Hawthorne Village, knowing entirely well that her brother would have a fit, but with Lani seeming unable to answer those calls and texts the huntress sent her every other day or so, what else what she to do? She certainly couldn't just let the poor thing be alone for much longer. Besides, Lazarus would get over it. He hardly ever said no to her when it came to such things, she was very much certain of this.
However, when Donvoan, the other most important man in her life every bit like a big brother to the huntress, had walked through the front door of the townhouse, she'd hardly been able to contain herself. How her eyes had brightened then, a radiant smile illuminating her face as she very nearly threw herself and wide-open arms around the tattooed were. With Lani, Vhal, and Ludo seemingly worlds away from her, it had been all the more difficult and worrisome for her brother's unlikely yet closest friend to disappear without so much as a word. She knew he was just a secretive as Lazarus, but in the same moment, she couldn't help but love the man. Even Lazarus had... er, missed the were. He just had a very aggressive way of showing it, though that punch to the face was probably more for the fact that Donovan had left and thusly meaning the dark hunter had to deal with the huntress only becoming ever more fearful for those she loved like the family she'd lost. Why it had even surprised Ellie that Lazarus had come down those stairs in his usual attire of lounge pants and no shirt, messy caramel-colored locks even more askew than usual which had suggested to the honey-blonde that he'd actually been sleeping, only to walk over with dark forest eyes narrowed and hardly saying a single word before throwing that balled fist, even she wasn't entirely sure. Perhaps it was because she knew that the man had in fact wondered about the location of the one that has lived with them since only a week or so after the death of their parents, even if the dark hunter just acted like Donovan was foolish for going off without telling anyone. Nope, Ellie saw right through her older brother, even though he would just roll his eyes, gruffly tell her she was just imagining things, and disappear either into his bedroom or from the townhouse altogether to seek that temporary relief he found in working out and drinking until she was almost entirely certain his liver would give out long before the man made it to fourty. Despite what the world saw Lazarus as, she knew that he would walk through the fires of hell and back for either her or Donovan. Through all the drinking and the anger, Ellie could see a heart which did in fact beat within his chest. And, maybe one day, the rest of the world would get the chance to see the real Lazarus she so firmly believed in. Deep down, the man was truly a good guy. He was just a little lost. Anyone could try and tell the young woman otherwise about her brother, ask why it was that she put up with him, how she could love someone that so clearly made it a goal of his to push everyone away. There wasn't a single thing anyone could say or do that would ever have her thinking that there wasn't a light shining somewhere in the shadows of the jaded man. There was light in everyone - or so she dared to so naïvely believe.
Humming softly to herself, the honey-blonde woman walks leisurely along one of the many trails in Hyde Park. She was on her way home from the local market near the Beachside Bar and Bistro, her cloth baths stuffed with various groceries like fresh fruits and vegetables. However, she'd also paid a visit to the local butcher as well, having decided to celebrate Donovan's return home with some of the man's favorite things that coincidentally happened to be Lazarus's. Fresh caught salmon with lemon, served beside a sauteed vegetable medley of zucchini, red bell pepper, and even orange bell pepper... Even her own stomach seemed to growl ever so slightly in anticipation for dinner! She takes a deep breath then, reveling in the coolness that can be felt in the air, teasingly whispering of fall on its way, and through the pale blue tank top, black shorts, and black sandles she adorned this afternoon with long hair braided and falling over her shoulder and breast. Glacier blue eyes watch as children run and play, their laughter bringing a sweet smile to her plush lips as she walks contentedly along the familiar path. What a beautiful day! Keen senses catch the sound of running water as she draws ever closer to one of the many fountains, and that's when her gaze like early morning frost sees the familiar figure ahead, rolling up the sleeves of his shirt to show the ink etched into his skin. Her smile grows ever brighter, her pace quickening ever so slightly as she closes the distance between them, only noticing that there was a young blonde sitting there on the fountain with a book in her hand. Who is that? And... why does she look so familiar? She hardly bothers to try and sneak up on the pair, knowing entirely well that Donovan would have long since caught wind of her presence anyway. His baritones only confirm this as he calls out to her without even turning his back, and yet Ellie can hardly keep herself from giggling girlishly."Hey, Donnie! I didn't expect to see you here", she says radiantly, glacier gaze glittering like ice beneath the afternoon sunlight."I was at the market getting some things for dinner. You are going to be there for dinner, right? Look! I even got some of your favorite things", she continues on sweetly, her voice sterling and warm as dark lashes flutter over her eyes while she gazes up to the man. Then, she turns to the girl who looked white a bit younger than even herself, curiosity flickering across her bright gaze, her warm smile never faltering."Oh, I'm sorry! Where are my manners? I'm Elain, but please feel free to call me Ellie. What's your name?", she says gently to the girl, shifting her bags so that she could reach out and shake the girl's hand.
And yet, she just could not help but regard her curiously, icy gaze glittering in the sunlight. Why does it seem like I've seen her before?
Elain Chase Daray
image by etienne beauregard riverin