A soft, almost despondent sigh left the young woman's lips at Brennan's clear efforts to merely deflect that hint of emotion she struggled to convey to him. She was trying to show the man that she cared for him, and he seemed more than content to merely push the responsibility for their lack of relationship back on her, as if it had been her fault that she had moved on in the years after his absence. She couldn't blame him, really, maybe she should have waited longer? Maybe she should have had some level of faith in what they had once had? A small frown twitched at the corner of her lips at her stormy eyes traced the silhouette of the fauna that surrounded her. She fell into silence before a small, vague shrug crossed her shoulders.
She might have been inclined to linger upon all that had been left unsaid between them, had a distinct smell not assaulted the young woman's nose, causing the tip to wrinkle ever so slightly. Her sudden inquiry as to what that smell was seemed to catch the man off guard as she waved her hands in front of her face, trying to chase off the stench that near radiated off of him. Serafina watched him as he brought that cloth of his own shirt to his nose, sniffing it as if he couldn't smell the scents that radiated off of him. What happened to that usual cologne that clung to him? Like the smell of the sea salt and the ocean? Those woodsy scents she had once loved so much? Now he just smelled...gross. Serafina hardly anticipated that tale that was afforded to her of some monster made of goo with a heart buried beneath layers and layers of the putrid substance that had made up his body. That very idea was enough to cause the woman to cringe. She might have been willing to take on demonic creatures and ghosts but something that smelled was another matter entirely. That shrug upon Brennan's shoulders at the admittance of why he was here, however, was regarded with blatant stupefaction. He had come back to her through a magical portal and then left it open?!?
It was astonishing, truly, the man who had once been human had certainly listened to her discuss those magical facets of her lifetime and time again. Surely she had informed him of the very foundations of magical circles at least once, hadn't she? She could hardly help that loud tone to her voice at her exclamation before her slender fingers rose to her head, rubbing at her temples in an almost frustrated manner. How could he let things get this far?! How?! Brennan's almost offhanded retorted caused a soft grunt to leave her lips, her dubious gaze clearly revealing her own thoughts on how utterly moronic he had been to believe such a thing about a demon. They were like...the epitome of tricksters! The masters of loopholes! Really, it only further made her want to throw the man into the lake - between the scent that wafered off of him and his own stupidity. His added stipulation to join him brought a far more salacious thought to the forefront of her mind, prompting her stormy eyes to meet the silver hue of Brennan's steadfast gaze.
There was no denying where her thoughts lingered, but by the look within Brennan's eyes, so too did his. It was but another glimpse of all the things that were left unsaid between them. How things eternally seemed to circle back to that. It took a moment before the young woman at least agreed to those plans, only after the portal was seen to. They needed to ensure it was closed first to prevent anything else from coming out of it, much less affecting the populace of the city as it was. Though Brennan might be more than capable of handling himself, there were plenty within the metropolis that were not. That smirk upon Brennan's lips drew her eyebrows upwards,
serafina dubois