The Macedonian King's blue-green irises narrowed at the very sight of Azrael's silhouette darkening the doorway of his newly renovated cafe. Ever since Alexander's appointment as the Commander of the Cavalry Unit, he had been forced to endure particularly few encounters with this particular member of the Council. After all, the Cavalry was an army that answered to the International Council alone, it's present station within Sacrosanct merely coincidental. He was nothing but silent when Azrael presented him with that familiar manilla envelope, the King hardly one to enjoy the oversight of the local Council and yet, they both knew well that when tasked a job, Alexander had a tendency to see it through. He'd hardly given Azrael little more than a grunt in response, one that was hardly taken well by the quickly exasperated Dark Hunter and yet, in the end, the younger man had taken his leave with that folder left within Alexander's own care. It was, admittedly, a particularly curious case. There had been rumblings within the city of late. The media had been inclined to merely write them off as a result of seismic activity, encouraging residents to ensure they were well stocked for an impending earthquake only to provoke panic within hardware and grocery stores. Alexander, however, knew better than to believe such hysteria. So too did the members of the Council. Sacrosanct, after all, hardly laid upon a fault line.
It wasn't until late in the evening, after the cafe had closed for the night, that Alexander looked over the contents of that file, already preparing to venture out into the night in search of his quarry. Several sightings had been reported to the police, their descriptions varying from a large sea monster to some sort of dragon to a giant earthworm of sorts. The mere size of the thing was something of a quandary and yet there were two things the Council had been sure of - it was big. And it was supernatural. There had been numerous attacks around the city of late - disappearances with few witnesses and yet the majority of them all seemed to be focused around the very park. So too were those sightings. At the very least, the Dark Hunter had a place to start - that alone was surely promising and significantly cut down on the time he'd waste hunting down the large were-creature. It hardly took long for Alexander to find himself within the depths of the Southern part of town. It was distinctly quiet, this time of night. The children within the park had all gone home, undoubtedly tucked safely within the comfort of their beds. The wayward teens and questionable supernatural so tended to give the Dark Hunter a wide burth, skirting around him with some sort of deeply innate knowledge that he would surely bring about their demise. He hardly minded that fear he so prompted within them, however, his own attention far more steadfast in those faint and yet, distinctly unusual suggestions that something was amiss.
It was little more than a vague trail, a particular depression in the grass that twisted and turned and yet, it was those meticulous little details that so earned Alexander the fame and glory that once had accompanied his name. He was keen to follow that trail, hesitating only when he found himself at the edge of a small creek - that depression all but disappearing entirely. For several moments, the Dark Hunter merely stood there in the depths of that darkness, his gaze tracing the banks of the creek inquisitively as he listened to the gentle sound of water running over those pond rocks. He turned upstream, purposefully following that small creek with the vague inkling of a notion in the back of his mind - one that originated from the numerous year's he'd so spent doing exactly this. Fortunately, Alexander was hardly disappointed. That creak, after all, led to a tunnel of sorts, one clearly meant to allow the water to pass under a walkway above and yet, in that obscurity, Alexander could make out the faint glint of metal. A storm drain. How....convenient. The Dark Hunter made his way towards that storm drain, that large tunnel so clearly leading into that subterranean word of Sacrosanct. As much as he detested it, it was the perfect place for such a beast. A soft sigh left Alexander's lips as he pulled open the broken grate upon the tunnel. The absence of a padlock or other fastening of that grate only further confirmed his suspicions as Alexander began to prowl down that concrete shaft and into the darkness of Sacrosanct's underworld.
He could hear the skittering of rats as he passed, much less whatever was in the water itself that he treaded through, shallow though it was. God, how he hated the feeling of wetness in his shoes and yet, this was merely another....perk....of the business. Somewhere, deeper within the cave he could hear the steady rushing of water and yet, he hardly had to wait long before he discovered the origin of that noise. Soon enough, Alexander found himself standing upon a precipice several feet within the air, that tunnel having lead him to a far larger stone room. Several other tunnels lined the wall at various heights, the water falling down into a canal of sorts that so lined the exterior of that room. The floor was covered with a slick, wet stone - littered with piles of hardly identifiable objects and yet, Alexander was distinctly sure some of those trash heaps held human remains, that glint of bone near unmistakeable. For a moment, he simply stood there, thought blue-green eyes simply surveying that room. He could near feel that presence within his soul. There was someone down there. A were. And yet, he couldn't quite see it in that dimness. A scowl crossed the Macedonian King's features and yet, he saw little other option than to simply face that beast head on. Slowly, Alexander stepped out into that air, letting gravity so take hold of him as he jumped down from that tunnel.
The sound of his boots upon the stone echoed loudly in the quietness of that tunnel and slowly, Alexander straightened, his hand already reaching out for that pristine sword that materializing within his grip. His irises shifted abruptly to his right at the sound of objects falling from one of those piles. Something was moving within the depths of that room. More objects began to fall as something shifted within the darkness, Alexander catching a glimpse of it here and there in the umbrage. Fortunately, the King hardly had to wait long before the creature so revealed itself, that snake near moving in front of him - towering over the Dark Hunter. His eyebrow rose ever so slightly as he eyed that giant snake. The creature's mouth parted, that hiss so clearly threatening as its fangs dripped with venom. Admittedly, Alexander hadn't quite anticipated this and yet, it made no difference at the end of the day. A soft glow began to emit from the man's frame as Alexander so tapped into the true depths of his power. History had always claimed Alexander had the soul of a God - if only they knew just how right they were.