he was both everything you could ever want
and nothing you could ever have
The wedding had, admittedly, been nothing short of delightful despite the cold that clearly clung to the quiet gardens, prompting the heating lanterns that sporadically lined the venue. Even so, Sebastian had made every effort to ensure his lover was properly warmed, that striking woolen dress suit hidden beneath an equally as warm trench coat, scarf, and gloves. Why Isolt had chosen winter, of all times, to have her wedding was nothing short of baffling and yet, he supposed there was an almost peaceful charm to the snow-laced aisle and the stars twinkling above. She was, at the very least, nothing short of stunning though Sebastian truly expected no less from the redhead. At the very least, the Italian Prince was pleased to see her happy, even if Damon and himself had come at odds with one another more than once. It was only once the couple walked down the aisle hand-in-hand as husband and wife that Sebastian found himself tugged along behind his own husband, Dorian nothing if not eager to take every opportunity he had to see his own newly discovered sibling. His own crystalline gaze wandered almost inquisitively over the young woman at Aiden's side, even despite the clearly friendly simper that never once left his features. It had hardly gone unnoticed by the Englishman, the way that Aiden's hand seemed to linger upon the girl's hip when he thought no one was watching, much less how she, in turn, seemed to lean into his side within a comfortable fashion that seemed to suggest something was going on between the pair of them. Dorian had insisted that Aiden had told him he had no significant other and then there was the matter of the Hispanic man's simple lack of introduction of her to them altogether. Really, Dorian's brother was nothing if not terribly...puzzling.
The thoughts of the peculiar man lingered upon his own mind as his lover and himself said their goodbyes, the pair instead content to offer their hello's to another couple they'd seen drifting amongst the crowd. Abigail's own red hair strikingly easy to spot, particularly with the way Arlo so seemed to hover upon the poor girl and her distinctly elegant navy blue evening dress. The gown all but hugged the girl's slender figure in a fashion that made even Sebastian's gaze momentarily linger, though he said little of it as his hand remained firmly settled upon Dorian's waist, the sheer number of their own species had, admittedly, set the Italian Prince on edge even despite the near lackadaisical aura he attempted to display. His attention was all but drawn from their companion's, however, as the pair approached the dessert table Arlo and Abigail had found themselves stationed in front of - the sheer amount of chocolate proving wholly....distracting.
Sebastian was altogether content to nibble on his pilfered desserts as Dorian explained his relationship with the 'green-eyed god', his own crystalline gaze eying the eagerness at which Abigail now eyed the dessert table with the newfound knowledge should was perfectly allowed to choose more than a singular treat. Sebastian's attention deviated as he swallowed another piece of mousse, Arlo's observation of Isolt's pregnancy had, admittedly, vexed him just the same. His head shook ever so slightly as his own gaze darted across the venue towards the woman in question.
Any relief he might have taken from the pair's departure, however, was abruptly ruined by the presence of another - one that clearly knew Arlo. His own eyebrow rose ever so slightly as he eyed the vampire that approached them, the Incubus almost immediately aware of something...different about this one. It was evident in that pull his more vampiric nature seemed to have to the stranger, in the way Dorian's gaze seemed to linger upon the fellow, and even in the blush that crept near immediately across Abigail's features. It would have been easy to rial the sensual creature to answer that call - it should have been and yet a far stronger and more fickle emotion stopped that attraction from taking over the Prince. Jealousy. It was an altogether rare emotion for the Englishman and yet he so abhorred even that slight lingering glimpse his own husband gave the vampire, prompting the near swell of Sebastian's own affinity for such lust and attraction. His control was near impeccable, the vampire near toying with those pheromones of those present if only to offset the allure this...stranger naturally seemed to wear like an aura. Thankfully, that use of his own gifts hardly required much use before the strange vampire took his own leave.
Sebastian Ellington-Aragona