damon marcello
There could never be a more perfect honeymoon as the way this one was starting out. She was spread out before him like a wedding platter in all her perfection, her skin porcelain and glowing with every swell and curve that he couldn't wait to explore over and over again. Her body ached for him, her nipples already taut before he could touch them and her eyes glittered with hunger before he'd even taken his own clothes off. It was a vulnerable and a powerful feeling all at once and he would never tire of it as long as she allowed him these moments. She was his goddess and he longed to only worship her. He devoured her kisses and her orgasms again and again, all night long and even then he would ahve continued throughout the day but he knew she needed some forms of rest still, especially with her condition. He just needed to show her one thing first. He woke her as softly as possible, with feather kisses and softly whispered words.
She of course told him she trusted him but he could see the questions in her eyes and he hoped to make all these go away in just a few moments. She followed him obediantly outside onto the dock, the sheet still wrapped protectively around her form though they both knew that sheet wouldn't do anything to a vampire who couldn't walk in the daylight. They would be ash in seconds. But still, she followed him and his heart burst with the love he felt for this woman. She leaned back against his chest as the sun started to rake over the horizon and though he'd tested it out countless times, he still found himself holding his breath as the first rays reached out to them. He felt Isolt tense and knew she might only be seconds from bolting and heaven help him, he probably wouldn't stop her if she did. But alas, she stayed right there in his cozy embrace until the sun warmed her delicate features.
Only then did she turn to him a little and he was able to see the crimson tears streaking her cheeks. Smiling wistfully, he reached out to slide a finger under her eyes, wiping at the tears (though he probably only managed to further smear it). "Ah, love.." He whispered the heartfelt words as he watched her take it all in. When she asked how he did it, he looked back up at the sun and sighed. "While I'd like to take all the credit, I do want you to stay safe so I'll tell you." With a little smirk, he lightly tapped the wedding band on her finger. "I had these spelled by a good witch friend of mine. It'll protect you from the harm of the sun as long as you're wearing it."