It was, Sly was willing to admit, perhaps a little poor form not to explain to his Pirate companion sooner that his flames would hardly set that boat alight. At least- not unless he desired them too. The look of concern upon the other warlock features only seemed to deepen as those flames took shape into the form of a wolf. It's laconic stretching a direct confliction to its otherwise fearsome appearance. At least until the wolf caught sight of the Irishman's own hellhound. Barney hardly seemed distinctly pleased with his new guest. The towering, hulking hound was quick to pace forward in an effort to inspect and quote possibly engage the canine intruder upon his vessel as Sly made an effort to explain the nature of his power. Its lack of ability to burn unless he willed it so and too- his fires continual desire to take the form of something. Those animal oddities were so often his powers chosen form time and time again. The pirate warlock, if nothing else, seemed to ease a little at the promise his ship and home was safe. Barney, however, so hardly seemed to share his master's return to ease as the hound and wolf strode toward one another with the stiff, high tails of an animal still deciding how to accept that new threat. The warlock's head nodded a moment later in response to Sly's efforts to explain, the man insisting it was lucky he liked him. Really, Sly was inclined to agree. The pirate looked as if he was entirely capable of following through with that understated threat and really- Sly had burned his dinner into nothing more than ash. The guy had reason enough to be annoyed without the Romanian taking out his boat in turn. His companions' insistence that his power was 'showy' however prompted a soft snort of amusement from the blond as a faint simper tugged at his lips.
"Yeah, showy is actually kind of the idea."
There was little need to go into depth, Sly suspected, in regards to those street performances he often participated in when he had the time. Such a thing so hardly seemed as if it would be his companions' idea of entertainment and yet he appreciated that sort of....offhand compliment all the same. Sly's gaze shifted once more to follow his companions' own. Both men, in that moment, watched those two canines once more. The Hellhound, unlike most animals, hardly seemed to fear the flaming wolf. In fact, it seemed decidedly....annoyed by the wolfish interloper. Sly's own head titled ever so slightly in amusement and indeed, some vague form of intrigue. Surely that dog wasn't going to- oh, no he was wrong. It was. The very thought had barely crossed Sly's mind before Barney launched forward with teeth bared in an effort to fight his flaming creature. Sly, once more, was careful to assure those flames hardly burned as the Hellhound barrelled harmlessly through that fire- only for the flames to rapidly dissipate- and return to canine form all over again. Each and every lunge the beast made only saw those flames reform with calm, quiet ease. The wolf, in turn, was merely inclined to stare almost curiously at his new companion. Brennan's insistence that Barney was beginning to look foolish hardly deterred the creature as he began to strike from different angles. He certainly was...persistent. Sly had to give him that. A vague hint of amusement tugged at the warlocks' features once more as his wolf proceeded to sit- as is resolving itself, in turn, to simply wait out his attackers aggression. Sly's own bue gaze shifted back to his own companion once more. The cost of that meal, after all, needed to be worked out.
Really, as far as Sly was concerned, the pirate still owed him something for that delivery even if the meal wasn't....exactly as requested. Nothing good ever came to those who didn't ask. Sly, it seemed, determined to push upon the very boundaries of that well known phrase with his efforts to continue to veritably swindle at least some coin from his newfound friend. After all, friend or not he still had to pay his rent. Even if that drink he'd been given was probably worth more then that meal ever was. Over to the side, Sly's flaming wolf had shifted once more in an effort to appease that situation. A negotiation perhaps- strikingly akin to that very negotiation that seemed to be occurring between Sly and his own companion. That newly formed Hellhound Puppy, with its oversized paws and wiggling body so clearly attempted to appease its larger companion. In much the same way Sly made a determined effort to negotiate his own fee. The pirate took a final swig of his drink, his hand lifting to brush off Sly's words with the insistence he would pay that fee. Well. That was unanticipated. The surprise in the younger warlock's gaze was distinctly clear as his companion reached for his wallet, only to pull out $20. More then Sly has asked for. The warlock's own brows rose upward, his gaze shifting into a look almost wary. People rarely gave him tips when he burned their food.
The wariness within Sly's gaze was momentarily forgotten as his flaming puppy caught his attention once more. His wriggling, delighted body all but wobbled towards Barney, one paw reaching gently upward to bat playfully and yet carefully at the older Hound in an effort to engage it in a game. Its little body bowed down in that universal canine symbol for play, its flaming tail wagging excitedly in an effort to entice its companion who had, until this point, appeared decidedly confused by the entire affair. That near sudden return bow from Barney prompted even Sly's eyes to raise once more. The Hellhound had hardly appeared the kind inclined to play in any sense. The sudden explosion of zoomies from Barney readily prompted his own puppies' playful yips as the flaming creature whirled to race after his older companion in that delighted game of chase. The pair of hounds racing around and around that deck. Alright then. This was unanticipated but at least they both seemed happy, right? Sly reached forward to take that offered money then- only for his companion to pull it back and out of his reach. He knew it. There was a catch. Sly's gaze narrowed once more only for the other warlock to insist he had to write his own review on Yelp. Was that....really it?
"Seriously? For twenty dollars I'll write my own review for sure, mate."
His companion handed over that money, along with his phone a moment later as Sly effortlessly pocketed those bills before hitting the internet icon on the phone and bringing up the required site. His flaming puppy continued to bound after Barney, its too-big feet slapping at the deck before it bowed down once more, it's entire rear end waving in delight, coaxing Barney to come closer before lapping upward in a horse-like rear- engaging Barney in that wrestling match now. One that resulted in the flaming puppy being easily toppled onto its back, its teeth nipping playfully at Barney's muzzle in that play fight before it rolled to its paws once more to begin that chase anew. This time, with Barney in pursuit. Sly's fingers tapped easily at that phone. Affording himself a 5 star rank before adding in that generous review. It was only once he'd done as the Pirate had asked that Sly reached to hand back that phone, the man pushing away from that table to stand. Really, he was almost loath to stop those canines from their game when they seemed to be enjoying it so much. His gaze shifted back to the other warlock once more.
"Thanks for the money and the drink too. That was good, really good- whatever it was. Seriously, I won't burn your food next time though. Have a good rest of your night. Oh, hey, do you want to keep him for a bit?"
Sly reached to point toward that flaming puppy who was still far too engaged in his game to even notice Sly had stood.
"I can summon him back any time so it's not a bother really, or he'll just leave once they've finished playing. Your dog seems to be having fun, seems a shame to ruin it. I can travel pretty far from him so it's easy enough to let them keep playing."
How those very words seemed to indicate, for the first time, that the flaming puppy was perhaps more than merely fire taken form. Sly, however, made no move to explain any further as he nodded towards his companion once more- the warlock making his way down the ship and back onto dry land. He still had deliveries to make tonight, after all. His boss was sure to be furious with him for how long he'd taken and yet Sly, as he often was, remained distinctly unconcerned.
It was, surely, a good hour or so later before those canines finally finished their game. The puppy, in all its delight, was content to flop against Barney's side- the pair laying out together, side by side, on the deck of Brennan's boat while the warlock finished his drink. Their heavy panting was all that interrupted the otherwise quiet night. A sudden notification on Brennan's phone perhaps prompted the warlock to glance downward. That review posted to Yelp had been verified and published. Would he like to preview it?
Ordered from the Codfather tonight. Is it possible to give more than 5 stars? Because I would if I could! Not only was Sly earlier than the agreed time but the food was delivered perfectly. It was piping hot, perfectly cooked, delicious and not even a single fry was burned. Sly was charming conversation and for the few minutes we talked I was so inspired by him that I added extra to his tip. He even charmed my dog! Good looking guy too. I'd probably marry the guy if I could. Loved everything about him that much. First rate. Would order from again. - April Rose
That flaming puppy, as if sensing Brennan's surprise at that stellar review, rose easily from its spot beside Barney- only to abruptly shift its form into its favoured fox figure. That fox form, perhaps, represented his master better than any other as he leapt up and onto that table in front of Brennan. That distinct grin upon the fox's features readily increased, its jaws parting in a distinct and clear foxish laugh- before the creature abruptly seemed to disappear, fading into embers on the wind.