
The southern part of the city has a chic family-oriented sort of charm to it. Here, small locally owned shops run rampant, neighbors often know each other by name, and the monthly socials are an event not to be missed. In the South, children can often be seen safely playing in the park or on sidewalks and in the weekends, families often take to the beach to enjoy the warm waters surrounding the city.

What You'll Find Here

Ascension Center of Equitation
Hyde Park
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
The Outskirts
The University of Sacrosanct

Time just slips away.

Posted on March 02, 2022 by Gideon Reynard
None Of It Has Ever Satisfied My Soul

Something seemed a bit... Different. The way the sun kissed the horizon, the salty breeze floating from the ocean and across the sands; Including Gideon's olive tanned face. His hair stayed in place though. Something he was quite grateful for. No one liked wind blown hair afterall. Guess that something he was pretty vain about. The beach did happen to be one of his favorite places to frequently visit, as it was one of the few things in the world that gave him any feeling of being back home in Greece.

But the Mediterranean Ocean air was something very much different than the ocean air here. It was something of bliss and a certain scent that he couldn't really describe, other than it gave you a feeling of peace and calm. Your mind would only focus on mellowing out. Perhaps it was a kitsch way to describe how it was in Greece, at least how the image would be painted in the mind of another.
No matter, Gideon could tell something was off or bothering the fellow Fae beside him. Though he knew it would best to simply pry or ask what was eating at her. Maybe ask if she was okay. Eh, it would wait. Her question was still sitting in the air.

"Suppose I could ask you the very same thing." The Greek replied with his accent coming in strong. It did seem usual for a foreigner to lose their accent, but Gideon never did. It was more likely due to the fact he did meet with other Greeks in the city, which he didn't expect. And that would help retain his accent very well. He turned from the other Fae and looked out toward the Ocean.
"But, since you asked first-" A pause while he adjusted his cloak just a bit. "This is one of the few places in this city that reminds me of home; Reminds me of the days before the change ever took place. But, it was a time period that you might not have known of, and only read in books. The geography has since changed."

A true fact that he didn't really find upsetting. The world handled change much better than the living beings on this planet. Though he did strive to be like the world and simply adapt and accept what he couldn't...
"But does the world handle change well, if it cries out in anguish?" A thought that popped up in his head. Meh. Another question to find an answer to later on. Focus!

"And if my senses are correct you too are a Fae... And you're out here alone in the open when the sun is going down. A tad dangerous if you warrant my opinion."
He adjusted his posture and folded his arms across his chest.
"But, at least I'm here should something or someone decide that they would get any ideas... Been hearing a lot about Fae going missing lately. We're rare as it is."
A small comfort to Gideon at least.
"But, enough of that prattle-" He was staring at the ocean the entire time, but then turned his head to the woman.
"Gideon Reynard. Pleasure. And your name is?"

The King Slayer Reynard
