
The southern part of the city has a chic family-oriented sort of charm to it. Here, small locally owned shops run rampant, neighbors often know each other by name, and the monthly socials are an event not to be missed. In the South, children can often be seen safely playing in the park or on sidewalks and in the weekends, families often take to the beach to enjoy the warm waters surrounding the city.

What You'll Find Here

Ascension Center of Equitation
Hyde Park
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
The Outskirts
The University of Sacrosanct

Trusting Others...

Posted on March 03, 2022 by Raven (Mayuza Gracefell)
~ Mayuza Gracefell ~
we all have secrets ... mine made me who i am

Standing In the Cold, Slightly Shaking From The Visions of Her Face. Raven Stands there While Her 'Twin' Walks around Still Wielding The Katana. Still On Alert, In Case this is a Trap. She's doesn't Trust Easy. Trust Gets You hurt, And Sometimes Killed. Ana Trusted Raven.... Raven Subtly Shakes away the Dark Thoughts. And Stares back at The man and the Interesting Kitten.

When The Man Answers and Says He isn't Human anymore, Raven Takes a small step back, but is Put At some Ease when he states they may have something in Common.

"Oh, You're A.. Hunter as well. It's Been Awhile since I've Cross Paths with Another." She says In A Friendly Hushed tone. Raven Watches as His Eyes Shoot From Her to Her Replication, She Puts her Guard up, in case he tries anything. When He Shares some Information About The 'rumors' she heard about. Hearing That the Creature is No Longer Causing Problems, Raven has a Wave of Relief Coat her which is Replaced With the all Too Familiar Empty Coldness. She Signals Her 'Twin' To come back. And shares the news with her. They stand in silence for a minute.

During This Moment Of Silence, Raven Stares to see Her Face again in the surroundings, Behind the trees, in the snow. Like she's being Haunted, Or Hunted. The Silence and Torment Is Interrupted by The Man Proposing That we 'Take This Talk Someplace warm' Raven Can't Help But Laugh To Herself, As At First She was Thinking. 'We Just met In The Snow and you're...' The thought Is Interrupted By 'Coffee and Pastries.' Raven and her twin Stare at The Two. Then each other. The Man With a Tip of his head introduces himself as Bjørn, But we Could Call him Bo.. Raven Is Struck With a wave of Confusion.. Shortened names usually are Said by Friends. Was He trying to Become Friends with Her. Raven Doesn't know how to act with Others. She's been alone For quite a while. 'Well As alone as she cane be with Herself'. he Then Asked Her name. In an Instant she began to answer, But catches herself and Prevents the slip of her actual Name.
"I Am Raven, And This Is..." Raven Doesn't Want to Reveal that it's her duplication. So She says the First Thing That Comes To Mind.
"Ana..." Raven Stands frozen with Shock. She can't believe she said Ana, She Can't take it back now, But she Can't Hear Other's Say Ana's name. In A Stroke of genius that Raven lacked, Her Duplicate Speaks. "No, I'm Not Ana, You can Call Me Mayuza" The Replication shares a Wink At Raven. Then smiles at Bo and the cat.

The man Offers to give The two A lift, Back To his Place. Where there's Coffee, and Pastries. A subtle growl erupts From Raven's stomach. As she stands there for about a minute. But The minute seemed like an eternity. She Hasn't Trusted anyone since the day She was betrayed. But She was Intrigued By The Cat, and maybe she could use his Sofa for the night and save some of her money from the hotels. She Debates the Pros an Cons of this decision. Blanking Out for but a Moment, Where she can Hear a Faint Voice telling her to Accept. Maybe this was Ana, Trying To Nudge Raven along, Like she use to.
"Sure... We Uh, We just walked here, we don't have any transportation." Raven says In a shy, Soft Tone. "We had One at One Point, But something Big Broke it." The duplicate Adds. Raven And her twin await, to Follow him Back To His Car.

Raven's Thoughts are Everywhere, From The Event that just happened, To Ana, To the Cat. She Stares at the kitten. Still Intrigued With the Intelligence That She has shown. Or maybe it was Ana's Doing again, As Ana liked Animals. Either Way, Raven Has Her Guard Up.

"Raven speaks" | "Replication speaks"
