Alexander Macedonia
when I walk into the room there's nothing you can do
To stop me from making moves
I'm coming for you
It was difficult for the Macedonian Conqueror to believe that Khan's dun had made the decision to cross the camp and challenge his steed with particularly little reason to do so, especially when he had displayed no prior interest in any other horse within the vicinity. Alexander disliked to be left with mere speculation when something was so clearly amiss, particularly when answers were so easy to gain. His efforts to prompt his stallion on the night's events were quickly rewarded with Frost's own narration of what had occurred, the steed's violent irises entirely steadfast upon him even as Alexander worked quickly to fit both saddle and bridle for the ride ahead of them. Frost's admittance that there had been a wild mare the night before, however, explained everything. A mare, however, was hardly of any interest to Alexander, beyond providing that missing puzzle piece. At least, that was until Alexander considered how...atypical it was for Frost to involve himself with her. His stallion had never shown even an ounce of intrigue within any other horse to date, mare or otherwise. The observation was kept largely to himself as he lifted the bridle over his stallion's ears, Frost surprisingly...compliant. His steed's sudden declaration that this mare was a Were, however, saw Alexander pause abruptly.
His eyebrows furrowed in brief concern as the Dark Hunter considered the likelihood that she might disrupt their eligibility within the race. Though the rules had not explicitly denounced a were-horse, he suspected it would be considered well against the spirit of the race. Frost's further admission that she had seen them caused his lips to turn downward in a frown. He had little intention of allowing anything to impede upon the results of the race and much time would they lose tracking her down to guarantee her silence? His gaze narrowed as the Monarch's oceanic eyes turned towards the outskirts of the camp. It had not occurred to him to disbelieve Frost's tale, after all hoofprints could be visibly seen approaching the camp and with the knowledge of what she was, her departure by...other means was certainly not out of the realm of feasibility. Those considerations that churned within his mind, however, ceased abruptly as Frost finally added the most pivotal detail of all - the horn fixated upon her head. How quickly his pensiveness twisted into all out skepticism. His brow rose as he regarded his stallion, the notion near immediately dismissed even despite the clear pining within Frost's thoughts as they pressed into his mind. That single word Frost had utilized to describe the mare was echoed back dubiously as he stared at his stallion and yet, any further conversation they might have had on the topic was abruptly cut short by the wild cries of the dun stallion that had started the previous evening's...event.
The oceanic hue of Alexander's gaze turned towards the steed, only to watch with a visible frown upon his features as Khan struggled to get his horse under control. Surely the Mongolian had made some effort to ensure his horse's comfort for the upcoming hours spent riding the plains? Whatever effort he had put forth had certainly not been enough. At the very least, Frost had struck well, his steed the very definition of a war horse. It was impossible not to hear the colorful shouting from the vampire's lips as he pulled the saddle off of his horse's back. Gingerly, Alexander's hand reached out to settle against Frost's neck, that caress almost...affectionate, were it not so utterly habitual for the Conqueror after all these years. The Dark Hunter hardly allowed his attention to linger long, however, as he glanced over his shoulder to call for the puppy that had begun to wander off in his attempts to sniff out...well...something. The very sound of the Monarch's voice was all that was necessary to bring the puppy rushing back to his side, allowing Alexander to reach down and scoop up the wiggly dog. The Macedonian paid little heed to his steed's clear discontent on the puppy's continued presence, Alex was instead far more focused upon mounting and joining the competitors that had begun to congregate at the edge of camp, waiting for the assigned hour to declare the race on again.
It was only Frost's thoughts entering the forefront of his mind that caused him to pause as he considered his words with distinct care. There was little doubt within his mind that his stallion had met another were-horse, the events that had followed within the wake of the mare made her presence impossible to ignore. It was, however, the notion that she was a mythical creature of purity alone that he questioned. After all, he had witnessed within his lifetime an array of affinities that made their wielder appear...well...more than they were. A winged fairy with barbed shaped tail and horns that had been called an imp, a Were-bird gifted with fire abilities that had been mistaken for a phoenix, a vampire with an unusual power for hair generation inciting a whole lifetime of 'sasquatch' sightings -- how difficult it was to believe that a true unicorn existed and not some equally as deceptive affinity at play. Perhaps it was something even as simple as an illusion affinity that rivaled his steed's own. Admittedly, whatever it was mattered little to the King, not in comparison to the question of what she intended to do with her discovery. Whatever response his stallion had to offer on his thoughts, however, was cut off by the announcement that the race was moments away from beginning.
Without hesitation, Alexander swung up and into the saddle, the conversation dropped as quickly as it had begun. The bright oceanic hue of his gaze swept inquisitively towards the Mongolian, only to note the vampire still fussing with his stallion. Good, perhaps this would give them the leg up they needed, particularly if they raced for the entirety of the evening rather than stop at the rest camp shy of those race hours. Frost hardly required any prompting as he quickly made his way towards the edge of camp where the competitors had gathered in a makeshift starting line. Each rider's gaze seemed almost glued to their watches, even in spite of the alarms that had been set on each one to signify the beginning of the day. For several breathless moments they waited, the silence interrupted only by the sounds of shifting hooves and impatient snorts. A chorus of high pitched ringing suddenly filled the air, the sound alone prompted each rider into action as their mounts sprung forward with their slightest beckoning. The lighter, swifter horses flew from the starting line, quickly breaking away from the group as they charged across the plains. Alexander made no effort to coax Frost to follow - endurance, after all, was far more important than a quick exit from the camp's starting line.
The pair set about an easy, effortless canter, relying upon Frost's long stride to make up the difference as they settled in a comfortable fourth place. The riders slowly began to spread out across the plains as each horse found it's pace - the silence between the three persisting for some time before, again, they were alone on the horizon. Frost's thoughts pressed into his mind, interrupting that solitude and picking up the conversation almost exactly where it had been left off. A small frown tugged at the corners of his lips at his stallion's insistence that the enigmatic mare would say nothing. How he struggled to believe that. Their only saving grace, perhaps, was that even she was apparently unsure if Frost was the winged horse she had been looking for. Still, Alexander remained silent as Frost's gait slowed now that they had placed significant distance between themselves and the other competitors. Their conversation, he suspected, was hardly over and quite on cue, Frost picked up those thoughts where he left off. His brow rose ever so slightly at Frost's insistence that this mare was hardly using any sort of power, the notion prompted a small snort to his nose. "She might not be utilizing the same sort of illusions you use, but you have no way of knowing she wasn't using any ability." Alexander, after all, had never detected his steed having any sort of power detection before. Illusions might be useless against him, any mental distortions might not work, but Alexander had yet to dismiss the idea it was not fully a power within her control. He'd met those who could grow appendages at will, it would not be a large leap to consider the possibility that perhaps she had some capability to grow horns wherever she might desire one to be.
For several moments, silence seemed to persist between them, beyond the sound of Frost's hooves pounding against the ground beneath them. There was little else to be said of the mare for now, as far as the Dark Hunter was concerned. She, after all, was clearly not lingering upon the horizon. He hardly anticipated Frost's voice to press into his thoughts, the stallion recounting one of the Macedonian's less liked stories. Really, history had a tendency to be...overdramatic with these notions that the end of Asia-Minor or the skies above had provoked such tears from the King! A scowl crossed his features as Frost continued to insist that he had been wrong to believe that his world was confined to a single continent - just as he was apparently wrong now. The Monarch's gaze narrowed, his jaw tensed ever so slightly as he glanced downward towards his steed. "We will see." He muttered after several moments of stilled silence. Frost, it seemed, was determined to prove him wrong and yet, how prone Alexander was to doubt that his steed had found a true unicorn.