isolt marcello
I'm more alive than I've ever been
She couldn't deny that his answer to her query was not precisely what she had expected, some not insignificant portion of the young vampire desiring that he might have found himself taken by the same naive fantasy that she had been on more than one occasion. Though she would not admit it in this moment, Isolt had pictured them together, in his time, living and loving as mortals. And children. Children who were the product of their mother and father's love, not the concoction of a maniacal coven and their lust to lay hands upon what they felt to be divine.
But she could hardly fault him his honesty, a gentle smile creasing her features as he brought his eyes to meet hers, a pang of guilt seeking to sour this moment at the pained look that furrowed his brow. Until, that is, he runs his fingers along her jaw- the sensation of his touch always the elixir she required. She clasps his hand in hers, bringing his fingers to her lips. "You don't give yourself enough credit, Mr. Marcello," she whispers. "You're perfect to me."
Isolt spends the hours that follow indulging her husband in the carnal pleasures that she had denied him for months, feeding him blood and bliss and forfeiting her body and soul to him. She laid herself at his feet before laying herself at his side, her head resting once more upon his shoulder as her fingers traced a lazy line across the solid planes of his chest. The redheaded woman chewed softly at the plush cushion of her bottom lip as if in contemplation of something quite vexing. "Damon," she finally whispers, her eyes raising to meet those of her husband though this time deep rivets of trepidation draw their creases into her otherwise angelic features. A long moment of silence passes between husband and wife before she dares continue. "How would you feel about adoption? Erin and Henry told me about a home that specializes in finding homes for... supernatural children." Isolt had been secretly elated when two of their most loyal patrons had approached her regarding the possibility of adoption. But she would never have considered such a thing without Damon's wholehearted agreement. "We won't do it unless you want to because you want to, not because it's what I want." She raises her brows at him, anxiously awaiting his verdict.