i'm not ashamed of my scars, i'm ashamed of the world for not understanding.
Quietly she waits, fretting over the idea that Tobias would leave her the moment she explained to him what occurred earlier that evening. Her mind continues to pour over and over each terrible scenario that could possibly play out. She understood terribly well that her boyfriend was extremely possessive of her. There was a reason why the Were-Falcon on staff at the Ark made sure to not get too close to her, unless he wished to have Tobias' fangs ink into his flesh once more. Raven could not understand how it all happened. She remembers walking and suddenly being pinned up against a large oak tree, her body wishing to be much closer to the vampire, while her muddled mind kept her from making any decision, as a small masculine voice slipped easily into her mind, to dissuade her. It all happened far too fast and she didn't realize what she had done so wrong until it was too late. She was entirely loyal to a fault and she felt it was all her fault, even though truly, she wasn't one that wanted to in the first place. If only he would understand...if only she knew how to explain it to him in such a way that he understood.
Grey-trimmed ears twitched back and forth as she heard the sound of something heavy slipping through the tall grass. Slowly her dial pivoted to the side to see the familiar figure of her spotted companion. His gentle chuff was met with a slowly wag of her tail. Although she was quite afraid of what she was to say to him she was still happy to have him near. His pleased state slowly transformed to concern and irritation and the lupine couldn't help, but fold her ears back in an apologetic manner. As he purred and pressed his head against her own, she eagerly accepted his touch, closing her eyes and inhaling his scent, pleased to have him close. His spot on detection of her emotions caught her off guard for the moment. Emotions were not things he greatly took interest in, let alone, actually spot on others. Many times she worked with, on a color wheel, showing him the colors that reflected the emotion one feels, and that he was able to see she was sad, was rather an accomplishment. With a slow nod she sighs softly, still nervous.
"Yes, I am sad. Tobi...I'am sorry."
That she would apologize to him without him knowing what she did wrong, she understood it would be confusing. As the large jungle cat began to brush along her form, she readily accepts it, pushing her sides into him, preferring his touch to take away the vampire's touch she swore she could still feel. Yet even as he rubs his form against her own she still feels frightened and dejected. When he manages to come in front of her, she presses her head into his chest, rubbing the top of her head into his chin, in an affectionate gesture. With hesitation she begins to slowly provide the boy the event that occurred, her sadden and broken voice barely coming out.
"I was coming here, like you told me to, and a strange vampire found me. He kissed me when I didn't want to...he manipulated my emotions to want him, but I didn't want him. He made me forget you, but I remembered."
Slowly her mind pressed into his own as she began to unravel the events that unfolded. First the boy would see the young woman walking through the winding path in the park, when suddenly a male vampire came from nowhere, and pinned her against the large oak tree. Tobias would hear the conversation between them, but also feel how the girl was feeling confused, uncertain, knowing the male that pressed his lips against her own was not the right one. Eventually he would see the girl pull away, screaming and smacking him and running off. Tentatively the terrified wolf would take a step back, as a soft whimper was released, her form lowered as she somberly repeated her apology. Blue-grey eyes looking to him with so much fear that he would leave her, and her world would come to a screeching halt and fall into millions of tiny pieces.
"I am sorry Tobi, he made me, but I didn't want to. I am yours, I've always been and always will be. You are...my favorite...you are the one I love, and no one else."
Raven Clocksworth.