It was altogether endearing, that utterance of concern that she might cut herself on his metal constructed beast. As though it were made of silver, as though she could be rendered broken by that very action. Not a single creature on this cursed planet would have uttered those words, or would have felt a genuine concern to the purposeful way she tightly pressed her hand along that wickedly sharpened tooth. As if to simply test its sharpness. No stranger to pain, she all but relished in the sight of how it melts into her own hand like a hot knife through butter before marking it with her very blood. Her suddenly prying from the machine drag toward Darcy in those moments, capturing that very look upon his face while a subtle curl of her darkened lips. Careful.. How many times had she heard that one in her extended life? Especially when life still clung to her? When she was nothing but a fragile human woman or when it was uttered to her freshly turned self. Careful. How she heeded those warnings just about as much as she did now.. and yet how long had it been that someone to utter that level of care? Yet, there was a purpose to her action, despite that tormented expression that so assaulted lover then. There was always a purpose, always some kind of lesson or plan.. or perhaps.. merely some morbid fascination. In this instance alone, perhaps was intended to settle on all three in one. How well aware the she-devil was that the fresh stream of blood would pull the strings upon his relentless hunger. She wears her bloodied scent like a perfume that the machine cat now possessed, a heavy promise thick within the air one she hardly intended to deliver on tonight. She could have invited him for a taste and part of her wanted to mark him with the same blood that stained the man-made feline.
It would seem, those games would have to wait for later. How she could not deny that enjoyment of the sight of her own blood upon his pale flesh. It would seem that the desire to witness the capabilities of that machine surpassing her toying with her lover for now, those sadistic cravings hardly satisfied and she possessed just the thing to sate that very craving. Max would be the one to pay for those sins and with it, it would serve to attempt to sate the voracious creature that been awaken within her. An option that would leave her Darcy relatively unscathed so long as he played those cards right. How good he was at navigating her sadistic tendencies, quick to feed into those very desires if only to save his own hide.
Max's very displeasing presence only solidified his fate, that final nail plunged into the brittle wood of a metaphorical coffin. There were no worthy traits that she could see within the gangly, youthful male to perhaps save him. The boy only truly making it worse for himself, with that loud chewing. That chewy, sticky, sweet substance snagging getting caught on those sharpened teeth. His attitude only scraping against the last stitch upon her own patience which was already frayed in the first place. She could feel tension within her body begin to peak, she was nothing short of a coiled viper ready to strike. But how she attempted to soothe her own murderous urges, for now. In promise for that future bloodshed that waited. If she took care of it herself, she would hardly get to see dear Maxyboy get what was coming to him. Darcy offered those words of insistence, and at her own expense. That was where he went so very wrong. Her lips twitch in response, undermining her own powers to a lowly vampire errand boy? That poisonous baited wording escaped her, slithering out to seize upon those very words. How quick he was to that submission, in attempts to right those wrongs, that dip of his head only meant to appease her. It did little to sate her, those lips that only served to praise her uttering anything else seemed to irk the coiled woman. Perhaps a lesson was in store for him, one she would quite enjoy teaching. That very declaration all but stolen from her, as fortunately, Max had stumbled upon that feline in the woods to meet his fate in timing that was nothing short of impeccable. It could have very well been planned. For now, it would seem the vampire queen was content enough to focus upon the man with a death bounty upon the crux of his forehead.
That show did not disappoint her, not in the slightest as the machine-cat artfully worked with a too-fluid precision that closely mimicked her felines. Metal should not bend and move so seamlessly and yet here it was hunting, prowling like one of her creatures within that shadowy silken darkness combating with the vivid silver of the moon's glow. It only made it appear more menacing, more lifelike. The way it toyed with its intended prey spoke to her instincts, plucking upon that eagerness that glinted wickedly within her ravenous eyes. Blood tainted the air, making Darcy's past indiscretion laid to waste as Max's death nothing short of imminent even despite his constant bleating. Even the way he begged was bothersome. The boy couldn't even beg for his life right. Useless.
There was a silent fuel source for hunger building between the two vampires, that haze palpable. She could hardly help the way she reached for Darcy's arm in the heat of that moment, almost out of instinct to touch him, to encourage him on. The suspense leaving her nothing short of wanting, of that climax in the form of the youthful vampire's demise. She dug her own talons into Darcy's arm, tighter in that building anticipation. He wouldn't disappoint her now. That display not coming up short as that vampires became reduced to an explosion of gory ruin, a fitting end. There was nothing distinguishing left of Max, not that there was much to remember. She could hardly halt that laughter that seeped from her lips, that rare sound entirely genuine as she took such satisfaction in watching that gruesome scene below.
But how his weakness was impossible to hide from her. How she knew him just as well as he knew her, and no matter how much he tried. He could not hide from her. No, especially not with that sheen upon his brow or the way he propped against that balcony rail or how tightly he squeezed it for support. Even as his words attempt to dissuade her, that conversation deviating as if to direct the she-devil to something else.
The felines stirred down below, investigating the remains upon their own accord now, that command still lingering, but those felines gave that massive imposter a wide birth. That fear just won't do and yet that was not her concern tonight. A taste for that vampire's flesh... she would turn her felines in maneaters yet. Perfect soldiers for that impending war, once that fear was attended to, molded and shaped to her will. That mere agreeance met with little save for a simple nod of her head, the perfect clever guise of obedience. There was much work to be done, it was impossible to know that timeline breathing down their necks. But tonight, as far as she was concerned was what hers. Even those carefully laid out snares were not enough to distract her from his weakness now. At least he wasn't comatose. She shifts her body to face him completely, in a flash of a moment she is no longer interested in those felines down below and entirely honing in on him, that look on her eyes a clear betrayal to that dangerous fixation.
How he attempted to focus her attention on that splatter that defiantly marred her flesh. Max apparently still serving to be a nuisance even in death. Yet, with Darcy himself leaning into her, to merely remove that rogue splatter of blood was almost too much to ignore as she snatched him within her secured grasp as he moved to pull away. No he didn't. There was no telling what she intended for him in those moments, the woman dangerously unreadable and yet those movements are true. There was no mistake that she intended to keep him within her secure hold.
Her voice is like a shiver spoken in dulcet tones as she uttered those dangerous words that hardly stirred any unrest within him. In fact, his poker face was a remarkable thing. He chose his words carefully, entirely noncommittal and yet all too cautious. "Do you now.." Distracted, her attention remains on him, drawing his wrist toward her lips as though she could have raked her dominance into his very flesh. Instead of that harsh reprimand he expected, she merely allowed her lips to brush against the sensitive exposed area of his inner wrist as she spoke those very words. How she could have sunk her fangs into him, they were close enough and that impulse so strong then that her lips seemed to quiver in anticipation. How she enjoyed to leave him in wonder, anticipating her very action. That mention of requiring him at full strength the following night so uttered cryptically then, that grip remaining steadfast. He didn't dare ask.. or question that very command. Wasn't he the teeny tiniest bit curious? Perhaps she had no intentions of sharing until that very last moment.
Without warning she pressed her cool, velvet soft lips into his wrist, feeling the highway of veins that lingered so close to its surface of his cool flesh. Any tension that filled him them seemed to melt away at that very act. His eyes breaking away from her own to submit. How she almost wanted him to keep that gaze upon her, to try something. That mere utterance of what she could have done to him if he were human, hung like an empty threat. That mention alone seemed to excite her and yet.. he hardly seemed to test his odds now, choose not to comment. Merely content to accept her fate for him, his carefully concealed expression hiding that very desire. Not willing to play that game she had attempted to catch him in, no, his exertion hardly affected his wits. She merely allows her manacle hold on him to release.
The conversation shifted once more to Max as Darcy examined that deceased vampire blood upon his fingertips. "The next person who disrespects me will not get such a quick death. We were due for an example to be set. Be sure that they know the cost will outweigh their defiance."
Her gaze traveled downward noticing that blood spatter pink glob with nothing short of disgust. Her lips curling as she balanced the balled-up gum upon her thumb and lifted her hand slightly to quickly launch it off with a casual quick flick of her middle finger off the balcony. "I've never tried... gum. I detest the vile sound it makes. Why would anyone want such a disgusting thing?" Such an awful thing it was.. something she would expect of a mortal, not from one of her vampires. The thought of it getting stuck in her fangs made it all the more abhorrent to her.
That answer if he was hungry was nothing short of anticipated, it was useless to lie to her at this point. She knew a hungry vampire and assessing how spent his body seemed after that demonstration she would have known. Although, it could have been fun to prove her point if he should attempt to lie to her. How she detested liars as much as she did that gum. With a simple nod of her head and an expression that betrayed nothing she executed that order to 'stay put'.
The vampire queen, slipped within her room to retrieve her own personal blood supply. She enjoyed the aroma of his fear, potent and fresh, not yet close to his expiry date and yet she rarely waited for them to get close. She had carved 'Hans' to be the perfect food, seasoning him in that way she liked, his fear like a light switch she could turn on with a mere flick of her wrist. She held him in place, her body hovering close to her prey, after all, he was hers until she killed him. The vampire woman was content to find Darcy exactly where she had left him. Of course, she noticed. Her pale depthless pools for eyes land upon her lover lingering upon him for a moment, noticing that strain that took him upon the scent of that food. Was someone that hungry that he could lose control? Perhaps she should make him watch her eat first, to test his resolve in his weakened state. What if she bit his femoral artery? Could she incite that jealousy to come out to play? She considers her options, content with showcasing her food and his amusing scream. It hardly took any effort to draw that very sound, just a simple caress along where she had carved into his flesh, those wounds still fresh and red even as they attempted to scab over. That delightful scream escaped Hans' lips, anticipating far more than her abrasive touch in those moments. She stroked him as if petting him, but truly she was admiring her own handiwork, feeling those intricate patterns she carved into his flesh only two evenings ago. Only when she had enough, she silenced him, that fear was potentially worse if he denied her. He knew it too. Those confirming words left Darcy and even as he attempted to remain composed his hunger was driving him mad. Clawing at him while Risque so took her time. That build up was almost too much for her traumatized human as it was for Darcy maintaining that carefully placed control.
Risque made sure that Han's flight response was nothing short of minimal, the vampire content to beat those traits she disapproved upon that first night. He was a quick learner. His large strong form made the German tourist an ideal food source, but it was never meant to last. Human's were kept only for so long before they were drained dry or damaged beyond repair. Risque was like a cat in the way she enjoyed to play with her food, the weak one's hearts often giving out before they could reach their true potential. It was a pity that they couldn't be more durable if only to endure more of the inevitable. Hans was simply a temporary pet, one that she intended to share as a gift to her lover. She did so possess that tendency to reward the few that had accomplished the Everest feat. How rare it was that they shared that meal together and yet how fitting a reward it was. Meal sharing a rarity within their kind, save for those mated pairs. Yet isn't that what they were? Already others viewed them as such and Risque did little to correct them. Was that her own admittance by not admitting?
At that moment Risque requested Darcy to join her, quite literally for a bite to replenish that lost strength. That utterance and an idle gesture that echoed that same intent of ladies first hardly prompted her as if she needed it, ever the gentleman even as he remained solidified in place by his sheer will alone. The human's unique scent was already toying with her own hunger. She already knew his flavor, that taste enjoyable enough.. she fed him well enough to alter his taste to her liking. Risque so choosing the side she hadn't yet fed from, as if reserving it for this moment. " Fais de beaux rêves,.." Sweet dreams. She muttered darkly in French before she slid along the man, jerking him downwards to her in a way that urged a cry. She was nothing short of swift, her mouth parting, baring those hungry fangs before they latched onto the mortal's wide neck. She struck with precision, she met her mark with ease as those utterances of protest more akin to a plea left the man's lips. 'Barmherzig... Barmherzig...' Mercy, Mercy. He whined pitifully in German, betwixt gasping broken sobs as that blood eagerly wet her tongue and yet she didn't drink, not yet, merely tasting him. The moment blood wet her fangs it was over and it was like he knew it, especially faced with two hungry vampires. That bite was the only answer he would receive a resounding 'no' that hardly needed words to voice, that mere action alone was enough.
Her eyes met with Darcy, that looks nothing short of beckoning, that near starved vampire needing no other prompting before closing the distance with a burst of speed. He spent little time deciding on the place on where to bite, snatching his wrist with a wild excitement driven hunger was the only thing that clouded his eyes then. He bit with such zeal that almost snapped the wrist clean off. How eager. Risque so watching him mutilate her human blood bag as Hans' accented screams couldn't be stifled anymore. Pain far too great assaulting him. A sound that was hardly desired more than she had already heard from him.. an agitated sound hiss passed her lips, against the man's neck. His blood spilling from that wound she had made. Her affinity for torment lashed out in an instant... he thought that was pain? She assaulted him with visions and pain so strong, so potent he fell back into her, his body growing weak. She saw his eyes roll back as she caught that large form reduced to dead weight.
With that vampiric strength, she had kept him somewhat upright his size made him an awkward creature hold and yet she pulls him to her. Lazy sheep. She had to unlatch her fangs from his throat to adjust. An inconvenience. At the very least he was now silent, mostly save for the broken sounds dislodging from his throat, his mind filled with horrific visions. Her very jaws bit down once more, far less gentle than the first bite. This one nothing short of ruthless, her venom seeping into his veins. If he even woke at all to experience them. She drank deeply, losing herself to that sensation of that liquid that so-called to her, pulling sharply with her sealed mouth latched upon that wound. It was overflowing with that delicious, revitalizing mortal blood. It wasn't long for her to have her fill, replenished her own lost strength and giving her more all at once. She enjoyed the warmth of his stolen blood within her, a soft sigh gently dropped from her lips in satisfaction uncaring of the lone droplets of blood that dribbled thinly down her chin. Her tongue savoring that taste for but a moment. Risque brought an idle hand, that one with her own drying blood from that self-inflicted wound to reach for Darcy's face while he fed with a frantic need she wished to break him from. That very touch near a lover's caress, as though she were stroking the side of the face of her cherished felines. She allowed that touch to rest there as if cradling his face within her palm, that is unless he so snapped at her within that feeding frenzy.
She enjoyed watching him feed, how volatile he was, how eager. She enjoyed stripping him away of his power as much as she enjoyed filling him with it. "Finish him." That invitation to bite him where he chose, including that desirable spot upon his neck. Those words seemed to cause panic within her weakening mortal, at least his stuttering heartbeat betrayed him. He thrashed suddenly, causing his hand to pull away from that struggle, near rip away against Darcy's brutal fangs that were lodged tightly within his wrist. That hold, probably too good to have him tear away completely. "Bad pet." She chastised, only tightening her harsh hold with her hand that still held him still, her fangs ready for another punishing bite and yet.. she withholds if only to allow Darcy that pleasure.