out for blood
she's somethin' so cold-blooded with
a deep killer instinct
Darcy shifted into something else that night, a creature of her own design and yet it was distinctly his own. Even as he melted back into content submission with impressive, seamless ease as he offered her countless times before. It was in that moment she could not help but find herself searching those familiar mismatched eyes of her lover, as if seeking if it still existed somewhere in those unique depths. She was certain it did, locked beneath that surface until called upon. How convenient. If she could control that beast as she desired. How part of her wanted to force it to come back, just so she could either taste it again or destroy it. She hardly knew what she wanted more, or perhaps some other option she had yet to discover. How certain she had known all the parts of her mate and he had given her something new... a new flavour of himself that was both familiar, dark, and forbidden. How full of surprises he was.
Several thoughts lapped at her mind like waves to shore, appearing only to retreat once more as she idly traced her hand in idle circular, smooth strokes across her toned stomach. Her fingers danced through the drying blood that coated her porcelain flesh, like she was a canvas and the blood was her paint and Darcy had painted her so well. Blood always looked good on her, even though it was odd she didn't mind it considering her aversion to unexpected wetness.
How she seemed to shift away from answering his question, as if perhaps almost forgetting to entirely. How aware she was of those intense mismatched pair of eyes that followed her most minute movement. Like his gaze was attached to her very fingertips. From left to right she moved her hands and Darcy followed. How certain she could distract him further, distract him from that question entirely. Could she fault her mate for wanting more of what he had been denied for so long? She could sense that yearning start to grow. Perhaps she could blame it on matedom.. or even merging their living space. Did he not know what he asked? She didn't even know if she was honestly capable of it or even wanted to give away more than she already had. Had she not offered him enough with that... commitment with the title of mate? He possessed the highest rank next to her alone and somehow he wanted... more? Was it supposed to be like this? As if rank wasn't enough! He wanted more from her. It was only as those thoughts turned and turned some more that they became almost abrasive to her. Her mood began to spike and she hardly wanted to ruin her buzz. No more of this... thinking.
Yet it was too late as it caused the once perfectly content, lounging she-devil to shift within her seat and rose, all too aware of that continuous stare. It was like he studied her then. As if he could predict that outcome should she decide to become a praying mantis and tear the pretty head from his shoulders. Or maybe she was simply projecting.
Even still, she seemed determined to keep his eyes following her very movements, as he eyed those boots with a near lustful longing. How far might she push him? Her own gaze lowered to his chiseled stomach before that bulge within his pants showed just how lustful he felt. Hm, perhaps they could make use of that. It was better than these requests. Oh, she was certain of that. Yet, it was then that the feline queen finally chose to answer him, seemingly out of the blue even though her tone remained almost casual and near dismissive. It still wasn't a no.
It was like her words had snapped him out of his reverie. Darcy finally noted his surroundings and the state of his truck. What a mess they had made and yet instead of concern he seemed more like a proud, preening peacock.
Risque decided that an initiate would be tasked with cleaning that truck. A test or punishments of sorts. Perhaps even a little bit of both. Surely, there was someone deserving and to be entirely honest, she was certain that they all deserved a certain level of punishment. However, that was not something the midnight haired devil seemed to consider in great detail. "It's a start." she returned, her tone almost blasé but she seemed far more interested at how quickly his body had recovered from their previous romp. Perhaps she could find pleasure in depleting him so completely that he refused to work anymore. Although, the conversation shifted back to that previous topic, although it never truly left her mind as she circled upon the idea, like it was foreign to her... Like a new taste of something that she didn't entirely dislike. She had but a taste of this newfound side of him, this dark, deeply hidden surprise and she was far from finished playing with it.
What did he propose? That question was like a rope he could have swiftly hung himself with and yet she was unpredictably interested in knowing his true motivation. If he asked for too much, she would have denied him outright. Too little, she would have been suspicious of lies. Yet Darcy didn't miss a beat, the word he had offered was simple. 'Holidays.' He announced with his distinct southern drawl. Holidays? She didn't even hide her blatant confusion as it was clearly not the answer she had anticipated.
That pale hypnotic gaze found his... not even once a month he claimed easily, as if he had put great thought into his answer. Yet she was almost suspicious of his words. How many holidays were there? Her mate so easily included his birthday into the fold. She caught that too. Yet the flash of boldness returned and claimed that she couldn't just decide to not be in the mood on those days. When had anyone ever ordered her to do anything, most of all.... When she decided to take her lover. This was all new. However, it was perhaps his wording that saved him in the end.
"Holidays.. how very... patriotic." She tasted the word out loud as if she considered it. Her pale blue focused stare soon narrowed as if she could forbid him from moving. Did that make her a celebration? The thought seemed to amuse her for a fleeting second, or maybe it was that sensation that she simply needed to drain someone. She was unsurprisingly hungry with how much blood they had already spilled and yet not hungry enough to be put in a foul mood.
Holidays might sound reasonable enough. She could barely come up with even half of them at the top of her head. America was not known to be generous with their holidays.
"If the mood so strikes, we will try it your way for now." She added decisively as a small but wicked smile that looked far too predatory and knowing. She rose to the point that she sat up all the way and yet even covered in blood she somehow managed to make it almost sensual. "You won't make me regret my decision, now would you?" There was only one answer to that and yet it was spoken in a way that was almost... teasing. She reached behind her chair in a failed attempt to fish out her clothes. Those cursed...elusive garments. Although it did spark an idea. That back seemed far more spacious than the front. It would seem that he put her in quite the generous mood.
"I want to put your human theory from earlier to the test, I am feeling a little hungry. Considering how we look already, it shouldn't be hard to terrify a male and a female, non?" Her gaze lowered to his opened pants as she returned empty-handed.
"But first, you can help me with something in the back." This time it would be her way, but judging from the look within her eye that left no room for questioning what she truly meant. "How good are you at driving when your hands are full?" She questioned as if already knowing the answer to that, even with his adept control over his powers. What a strange night for so many firsts and she might as well satisfy those remaining desires while they still had time.

you better run
the full moon's rising.