
The western part of the city is often home to the poorer residents. Here there is a grunginess that permeates the town from the graffiti on the once cleaned brick buildings to the broken and unmaintained architecture. Crime runs high within the western half of town, making it the home of supernatural gangs of illicit activities. Such activities are rarely reported, however, and most residents are distrustful of individual's of authorities, and often let the powerful supernatural beings sort things out amongst themselves. Be careful wandering the Western streets after the sun falls.

What You'll Find Here

Black Market
Cull & Pistol
Noah's Ark

Expectation is the root of all heartache

Posted on July 24, 2023 by Nadya Tetradore
Wake up to your dreams
And watch them come true

From the moment that Nadya woke in that god forsaken cold room underground it had been a never-ending myriad of confusion. Nothing looked or felt the same- even she felt different. She had only wished to return to her brother and the familiarity of her room but had found those far from what she remembered. The ship was different and the look in her brother's eyes when he looked at her was different. It caused her chest to tighten every time. The continued words from her brother's lips simply caused the unfamiliar feeling of tingling energy to rush to the surface of her skin feeling like she was going to explode.

Nadya managed to flee to the bathroom before that energy flared and exploded from her, shattering her surroundings. Her frame scurried and shrank back against the wall. Nadya was only aware of her rapid heart, hearing the rushing of blood in her ears, and the cold echo of the bathroom. She didn't notice Aiden entering the room and crouching some space before her until his baritone broke through her. Though their relationship had never been close, she had taken comfort in his presence in the past. How did it get to feel so foreign now? "I...I'm sorry...I didn't know..." Her voice quivered slightly as she struggled breaths to calm and push that energy back down. Nadya was quiet as she thought over what Aiden requested. What did she remember? Her dark eyes searched the ground as if the answers were written there. "I..woke up in a room and there were Hunters..before-. You were with a vampire....then the place was on fire...then we were here, with Tobias...then-" Her head began to throb once more causing her to wince.

The harder she tried to remember the more it hurt and the darker everything became. Slowly she shook her head and finally raised her gaze to meet Aiden's. "I remember the three of us running and hunting in the forest but nothing after that. It's just...black." Black and painful. "What happened to me?" Her voice cracked as her dark eyes searched his emerald ones.

Nadya Tetradore
