
The western part of the city is often home to the poorer residents. Here there is a grunginess that permeates the town from the graffiti on the once cleaned brick buildings to the broken and unmaintained architecture. Crime runs high within the western half of town, making it the home of supernatural gangs of illicit activities. Such activities are rarely reported, however, and most residents are distrustful of individual's of authorities, and often let the powerful supernatural beings sort things out amongst themselves. Be careful wandering the Western streets after the sun falls.

What You'll Find Here

Black Market
Cull & Pistol
Noah's Ark

Black Market

Just like any city - Sacrosanct is not without it's deep, dark underbelly. Hidden in the graffiti-ridden streets of the West, behind closed warehouse doors, lies the Black Market. Forever moving, it's nearly impossible to find without knowing someone who knows someone. Anything you desire can be brought for a hefty price within the Black Market - be it drugs, weapons, or lives.

What You'll Find Here

Edge of the Circle

Cull & Pistol

Hidden within the dark alleyways of the Western Ward, Cull & Pistol is a dim, often smoky bar. With a small variety of bottled and craft beers, Cull & Pistol is a quaint little neighborhood joint. With its no-frills moto, the dingy bar offers little more than liquor, music from an old jukebox, and a few frequently occupied pool tables.

Bartender Raylin Chike

Noah's Ark

Resting upon the harbor, Noah's Ark (known simply as The Ark) is a sleek superyacht known both for its fight rings and recent...renovations, of sorts. Accessible from an entrance hidden in the shadows, The Ark is a veritable Were-playground that specializes in fighting tournaments for all creatures great and small. With both singles and doubles tournaments to compete in, the title of Ark Champion is hotly contested amongst the Were population. If anything illegal is going on in the city it's sure to be happening within the back rooms or behind the ring-side bar. Note: This is a Were only establishment. All other species will be swiftly escorted out.
Home of: Nightshade

Owner Aiden Tetradore

Co-owner Tobias Cain
Bar Manager Mira Ramos
Bartender Henry Tudor
Waitress Carolina Bedford


Within the turbulent industrial district lies this club. The warehouse doesn't look like much on the outside but it provides a memorable experience from the state of the art lighting, offbeat Victorian-inspired artwork, comfortable black leather lounges, and the infamous 'black light' room. There is a wide variety of alcohol that lines the shelves of both of the magical and ordinary variety. It is a common stomping ground for the supernatural who want to let loose and dance the night away to the music that floods the establishment. Humans are most welcome if they dare.

Owner Risque Voth

Manager Darcy Blackjack
Cats Aiden Tetradore
Cats Harlequin Westward

The devil's knocking at my door. [anyone]

Posted on June 13, 2024 by Nikita

When you feel the walls all closing in and the devils knocking at your door.
She woke to the sound of heavy boots outside her apartment. She barely had time to roll off her bed and slip silently into a pair of pants and top from her floor before a fist banged loudly on her door. They had found her. Again.

Her eyes widened, her pupils dilating and taking on an eerie glow before she closed them and shuddered. Would this be life? Running and hiding and just waiting until they found her again until the fateful day she didn't escape in time. They had killed her parents and her baby brother... She shook her head; cutting off the memory before it could be completed. She didn't have the time. She crept silently across her floor. Her feet moving across the floor with a practiced ease that said she had done this a time or two. She eased open a window; just in time to hear her door splinter. With a look over her shoulder at the masked men, she dove out her window and shifted mid-air and took off into the woods.

She ran. She ran like her life depended on it. She ran even when her legs felt like jelly. She ran even as her eyes started to fall closed and blood leaked from her nose. She ran until she could physically run no more and slumped in a heap on the ground. Unconscious.

When she finally open her eyes, they felt like they were weighted down. Everything around her was a riot of color and blurred shapes. She had no idea where she was. Nothing smelled familiar. She lifted her large head and a grimace of pain flashed across her face in a display of teeth. She struggled to her feet; only to fall back on her side. She was covered in sores, blood and scrapes. Too afraid to shift back to human, she somehow managed to drag herself into the cover of a bush.

ooc: sorry its shit. i am super out of practice.

"talks like this"


Valar Morghulis
