Aleksandra Rose Risben

Aleksandra  Risben

General Stats

Name: Aleksandra Rose Risben
Nickname: Leky
Birthdate: July 02, 1993 A.D.
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Russian
Hair Color: Auburn
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5'6
Residence: Unknown


Species: Witch

Relationship Status

Sexuality: Heterosexual
Status: Single


Power description: Umbrageous Teleportation is using darkness/shadows to teleport. So, she could teleport from the shadows of a forest, to the shadows of a shop. However, every time she teleports, she gets a serious case of Jet Lag. She gets incredibly tired, irritable, and angry, and groggy for about an hour. Familiar: Oleg Jaguar Male CB I didn't know if I was allowed to have a power and a familiar or not, so let me know if I can only have one. If so, I choose having Oleg :)


Jaguar Familiar

Has a jaguar familiar that she can communicate with.


Bound to Familiar She must remain within the boundary of her familiar.


11 Total Points

Character Timeline