Blaire Briana Brink

Blaire  Brink
Face Claim: Maria Brink

General Stats

Name: Blaire Briana Brink
Birthdate: October 21, 1930 A.D.
Age: 93
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: American
Hair Color: Brunette
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5'9
Residence: Unknown


Species: Vampire
Date of Change: October 01, 1955 A.D.

Relationship Status

Sexuality: Homosexual
Status: Single


Blaire isn't the person you want to run into at night, because she doesn't know the meaning of mercy. She's very cold and cruel, she doesn't care about anyone but her twin sister, and even then she treats her as a plaything sometimes. She has a very bad temper with a ridiculously short fuse, it doesn't take much to set her off. She has to be in control of every situation, and when she isn't she becomes quite the terror. Blaire doesn't trust anyone, not even her sister, and she definitely doesn't trust herself. Her anger gets the best of her sometimes, and can cause her power to destroy someone's mind completely.


Mental Influence

May influence others thought process in order to get them to do things she desires.


Her sister


30 Total Points

Character Timeline
