Posted on June 22, 2015 by Véasse
Hi! I don't actually play here yet (my current character is pending approval for joining), but I've know the owners and some of the players here for a long time, so you are in good hands! If you know Kirk, I'm his fiance. I look forward to posting with you once I get character approval. :)
Oh, and I guess since you were so nice to share, I'll give you a little info about myself too. I'm 24, recently graduated with my B.S. in Psychology with a minor in cognitive science. I'm currently interviewing to become a research assistant for a company to work for a few years before pursuing a graduate degree. I live with Kirk, and though we don't have pets right now I'm always pining over a cat, dog, or horse. I've been role-playing for about 12 years, but this is the first time I joined a site of my own free will to play humans (or supernaturals). If Sisenna gets approved I would happy to join a thread with Willow.