Blind Dates, Suffering, and those sorts of things
Posted on January 16, 2016 by Chesire
So, while talking with my sister the other about her disastrous blind date, I couldn't help but laugh at her misery. Now, that got me thinking annnnddd...
I would love to thread with someone a blind date between our characters. It doesn't have to be a planned disaster or planned to go well, we can always just start and see what happens, but I figured it'd be a fun way to have characters meet rather than the staple "They can... randomly meet at the bar or something. Iunno. Let's post." Not that there's anything wrong with that, I mean, I swear 3/4's of my posts occur like that, lol.
As you probably know by now, I have Blake and Spencer. A few quick bits about them, if you want more of an idea what you're getting involved in, Blake is all over the North, Spencer is smeared all over the West by Askaree.
Blake is the younger of the two (26), friendly, easy-going, has a bit of a goofy charm to him. He doesn't have a career, hops from job-to-job because he can't decide what he wants to do.
Spencer is older (35), serious, suppressed sense of humor, reserved, morally ambiguous. He'd describe himself as a businessman, has family money.
Also, since Valentine's Day advertising is painting everything pink already, I figured if multiple people want to do something like it, maybe we could plan a speed-dating event. Make sure all the characters of Sacro suffer equally in the name of love. :P