Posted on January 04, 2017 by Vinyl
yay! I love all your characters *hoards away all of them*
Obvi the Dareios/Frost plot is a little stale by now, but it would be funny to continue to thread them... if you have any ideas let me know. We could wrap it up that after all the hassle (and almost getting killed by Azzy) Dareios came thru and gave him the amulet. But he's still wary of Frost because he doesn't know why he wants the thing so bad. Then he got busy being the mayor and kind of forgot about it?
Your Fairy King makes me want to bring back Eleanor! But I'm going to hold off on that for a while... she didn't get a whole lot of traction here last time. I can definitely see Dorian and Dareios being buds though. Maybe they get together for old man tea time and look at old fancy things together. :3
I am totally intrigued by Arlo. I think Buffy (Gia) will be too... She won't understand why there's a vampire out killing other vampires. Some quick background: She hates vampires because she showed sympathy to one once, befriended him, and then he manipulated her with mind control, etc. She was raped, but doesn't know if it's actually considered that since his powers made her consent to it. So she's all messed up and deals with it by killing a lot of vampires! Maybe she catches Arlo in the act of killing someone, is curious and tries to find him?