Posted on April 06, 2017 by M&M
I am (officially and for real) back. I won't even try to tell you how sorry I am for my semi-disappearance of late because you guys should know that I adore you enough to return once life was done kicking me in the tits. <3
Also, so many new/old faces!! I EFFING LOVE IT! It only intensifies my excitement to see so many lost loves returning to us (yeah, I'm looking at you...) and OF COURSE I'm going to be monopolizing as many of you as I can.
In regards to posts, I'll be sitting down tonight in an attempt to crack the rust off of myself. I ask for your continued patience as I attempt to get back into the swing. Also, I would like to start one (maaaybe two) new threads in an attempt to get the muse juice flowing. Any takers?