I am so sorry!!
Posted on December 11, 2014 by Megs
I am sorry I've been MIA lately guys. I got some more bad news about my health and one of my other conditions has been deteriorating at a rate they hadn't anticipated. I need to have some emergency testing done, but in the meantime, I need the release that writing gives me. So! Posts! I shall be catching up on all of them in the next day or so. Sorry to those of you who have been waiting. <3
Regan owes:
Raven in the South [x]
Rixon in the West [x]
Isolt in the West [x]
Felicity in the West [x]
Masquerade in the North [x]
Raven + Tetradore in the West [x][x][x]
Finley in the Residence [x][x]
Nadya in the East [x]
I doubt they will be going out in that order, but I promise they will all get done. Sorry again. If you need me xxmegs on chatango and choveypoo on aim.