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Posted on May 09, 2014 by Luc

The stark blackness of the Cavern veined out into a labyrinth of tunnels that bore down into the unexplored depths of the Earth. Chasms created invisible death traps along the narrow paths, and every so often a bat could be heard somewhere in the bowels of Hell, chittering and screeching as it hunted for insects.

Indigo sclera adjusted to the absence of Light readily, already highly adapted to the shadowed elements from my Reign in Mirovis. The catacombs of caves had always been my fortress, and I had long ago conquered the blackened depths and learned every crack and crevice by heart. Within it's heart had been a cave of Wonders, a grotto created of gemstones in every color and facet, with an open-domed roof that allowed the moon's glow to pierce the penumbra and ignite a rainbow of fiery colors along the cave walls where it reflected off the crystals.

It had been an eden, for myself and my mate and our children.

Such a place no longer exists in Moladian... or if it does it has yet to be discovered. Perhaps it lays buried somewhere in this grotto, waiting for another heathen king to unearth it.

Still, this cavern gave me some semblance of peace. A feeling of the familiar, and as such, I for once allowed my guard to slip from my Being, sprawling out across the cool damp rocks of a ledge over-looking one of the tunnels, that I might entertain myself by watching others come and go.

The cave breaths as fresh air filters in and out of it's distant entrance And then there is a dark figure within the path


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