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hollis !

Posted on May 23, 2014 by chaz
death by
diamonds and pearls
to know when to be soft and gentle, to know when to be water, to know when to burn, to know when I am heading too intensely in one direction - figuring, always figuring, always looking out and asking and oh, but everything I'm looking for is always so close to my heart and I keep fighting it. wedged somewhere like an extra rib yes all of this. I don't want to let this city make me cruel and unforgiving, can't lose sight of the dreamy notions that got me here in the first place. maybe I'm afraid because I know what I want and know that I'll get it all eventually, because I am so hopeful and nervous and excited and keep catching myself almost-crying when my body's too distracted doing other things: dishes, walking, trying to sleep, taking up space. I don't want to be strong if it means I can't be weak and vulnerable too, but maybe that's what all this being human is. maybe allowing myself to be as human as possible is gonna make me burn out fast. i can't wait to move into the forest and wear cotton pants and grow things and learn how to shut my mouth. I am too fucking full of myself sometimes I need to get out of my head.

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