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so have you got the g u t s

Posted on February 07, 2015 by a n i m a l

posting things will go here and more words and stuff and things and posty posty roo, I will write and write and write stuff. posting things will go here and more words and stuff and things and posty posty roo, I will write and write and write stuff. posting things will go here and more words and stuff and things and posty posty roo, I will write and write and write stuff.

posting things will go here and more words and stuff and things and posty posty roo, I will write and write and write stuff.

posting things will go here and more words and stuff and things and posty posty roo, I will write and write and write stuff.
posting things will go here and more words and stuff and things and posty posty roo, I will write and write and write stuff.

have you no idea that you're in this deep?
I've dreamt about you nearly every night this week


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