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touching one down

Posted on June 01, 2014 by Niles


I turned my back on troubles, troubles I'd begun

Thick flakes of snow rain down from heaven, specking her deep brown coat with white as if she's an appaloosa from birth. The cold wind carves into her long slender legs, she quivers for a moment and then simply shrugs. She's been through worse, she was born in a long winter, when snow kept falling and all the water was frozen. She survived, marked by winter with her icy white eyes. She did love the season however, the cold makes her feel numb and that's what she liked most, numbness. She didn't wanted to realize it before, it's almost as confessing that you'd rather be death. Maybe she's desperate, or simply doesn't care anymore.
A sigh leaves her lips, swirling in white air around her feminine face before it disappears into thin air. With pale white eyes she gazes upon the blurry white everywhere around her, her long braided mane slightly moving on the rhythm of the wind. Maybe it's because of the snow, or maybe she simply lost track of time, and with that she lost track of her thoughts. But she traveled far and now finds herself in the lands of another, she knew the rules, you're forbidden to enter anyones land without an invitation.

She pauses for a moment, her long slender legs stretched under her small body, her neck slightly arched and her arabian-like head raised. She flutters her dark lashes and turns her ears, taking in any sound she could possibly hear.
It's safe, for now. It's just a matter of time before she's moving again, her long legs dancing through the snow, her long dark mane moving gracious and covering her like a blanket. Like a deer, quick and elegant she finds refugee in the forest, emerges with the shadows and moves along silently.

She catches a sound, a breaking twig. She raises her head and points her ears, her nostrils pulsing. Her muscles tense under her deep brown coat. The deep scent of a stallion reaches her nose and she keeps quiet, she made hiding a form of art, and she was good at it. Still she knew she would be found, the leaders of the houses are able to use magic and they know their land better than anyone else. She listens to him move closer, deeper into the forest. The forest she calls home, where she could easily disappear into the dark shadows. And from the shadows she gazes upon him, wasn't it with her eyes but her ears and nose. Her slender body covered with white snow and her long braided mane loose and messy spread over her arched neck. Her eyes big and her heartbeat racing. Like a deer with big eyes and a little goofy covered with snow.[dohtml]


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