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Posted on May 27, 2021 by M&M

isolt griffin
Deeply splendid is the quiet euphoria that holds her, wholly ensconced, with all of the tenderness of a fond and familiar lover. It was a caress of which she would never tire, and yet its warmth seemed to elude the young redhead more and more oft in this sprawling and confusing afterlife. And so it was her greatest fortune that she might find this euphoric bliss in Damon's presence, in the hardy growl of his voice and the tenderness with which he interacted with her. It was, Isolt presumed, a tenderness far separated from the usual dictates of the formal personality so often presented to the rest of the world... and for this she was indescribably thankful. She adored him, wholly and without pause, just as he was in quiet moments such as these.
"I've taken care of the tree, Damon," the redhead retorts coyly, motioning offhandedly to the rumbling diesel that now tails the classic automobile at a polite distance at her behest, the beautifully-full branches of a tree just visible beyond the cup of its bed. She had been exceptionally thorough in her consideration of his possessions and the expected apprehension he might experience in regards to such. "I wouldn't ruin your car for a second time." A single delicate hand reaches up to rest upon his, Isolt's thumb traveling gently over the bulbs of his knuckles in a gesture that is, perhaps, meant to reassure her counterpart on the matter. "And I have all the lights, ornaments, and various other decorations in the trunk. We just need to put them up. Or, rather, I just need to put them up," she coos with a soft and lighthearted chuckle, winking at Damon playfully. Isolt was fully aware of the elder vampire's aversion to just about all elements of the holiday and its various methods of celebration and expression. Far be it for her to force an overlarge amount of the gaiety upon him.
Their venture transpires a long few moments in silence, wherein Isolt merely examines the delicate parcel of jewelry about her wrist in a fashion that is naught else but purely and hopelessly loving. Gifts such as this had been rare, nigh non-existent, during her human life and entirely absent from the macabre tale of what lay after. However, the bracelet's precedence was not the seed from which its appeal had blossomed, but rather the meaning of it and every glistening charm. A smile pulls at Isolt's lips once more before her eyes venture forwards, awe seeking to part the lush pillows in a silent exclamation as her body moves forward upon the leather seat. Never before had she laid eyes upon such lavish abodes, each and every mansion they passed a thing of greatest beauty and even greater size. It was quite plausible, she imagined, for the entirety of her apartment building to be deposited within the front yard of many of these dominions with some ease. The young vampire stares unabashedly for a great many seconds before finally peeling her gaze away and to her counterpart.

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