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you'll be proud of that skin full of scars

Posted on November 14, 2021 by Carolina Grace Bedford

Carolina Grace Bedford.
I wish someone would have told me that this darkness comes and goes

The air was crisp today, the late Autumn breeze bringing color to her cheeks as it tousled her hair almost playfully though the afternoon sun still shone down with conviction. She rather enjoyed her walks down to the docks for work nearly every day, the distance not so great from her apartment, having always loved the outdoors the fresh air did wonders for her mental state. Things had calmed down so much over the last year, that flight or fight instinct no longer nearly overwhelming and those panic attacks gripping her with less and less frequency. The reassurances Sebastian had given her helped with that of course, but truly most of it was due to the way the Ark and those who called it home grounded her. For a while she had feared that connection, the idea of "family" having so many various connotations to the leopard, most of them negative, and yet slowly the Nightshade pack had torn down those walls and preconceived notions. Tetradore's offer to join them always whispered in the back of her mind and every time she stepped foot aboard that ship she could feel herself growing more and more attached to the idea.

As she recognized the figure of Henry perched just above the waters edge with that pole clenched between his hands almost like a life line however it made her pause before heading inside. The taciturn man was someone she had very little interaction with despite both of their jobs being in the bar, but she didn't' think it was personal. No, the other were seemed to be going through something and she had the good sense to keep her nose out of it, but finding him like this? It wasn't something she could just ignore.

Carolina also had no doubt that he had heard her approaching; even before she headed his way her boots on the docks weather-beaten surface were anything but subtle to non-were ears, much less his own. It was also apparent in the way his shoulders seemed to tense even further, as if he were holding his breath hoping she might turn around and leave him be. The southerner had never been one for subtlety or tact however, unfortunately for him, and couldn't resist asking how his little fishing venture was going. The words seemed to rouse him, his wide body shifting so he could shoot her a rather disgruntled look before stating very clearly just how unsuccessful he had been. That succinct response as well as the way he hastily made to pull in his line and rid himself of whatever bait he had been using caused her to laugh lightly.

"You should try cheese next time." Stepping back slightly she gave him room while he moved to stand. "You would be surprised how many fish like a bit of cheese, I used to catch Brim off the dock at my papaw's lake all the time." She leveled her aquamarine eyes at him to relay she was being serious lest he think she was pulling his leg, though she had to look up at him now instead of down. He had a good 6 inches on her if she had to guess and cut an imposing figure with his scowl, but she had nothing to fear from Henry despite his rather stormy demeanor.

After a beat he commented on her rather atypical early arrival at the Ark and she shrugged slightly, her slender shoulders bouncing as she shifted her bag. "Yeah, Mira had something come up she needed to handle and asked if I could pop in early to get things sorted and set up before tonight, and something about a possible delivery as well." Taking another step back and turning slightly towards the ramp that led up into the ship before looking back up at the would-be fisherman. "Are you headed back inside?"


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