As much as the demure girl yearned to forget of those nights she had spent within the care of that coven - those memories seemed all but determined to haunt her. From the nightmares that now frequently plagued her to the very vision of the man who had caused her such torment, they permeated her every step and her every moment. Her soprano voice was little more than a murmur as she finally admitted just who that dead warlock was to her. The chocolate of her irises stared down at the first aid kit within her slender fingers as if she was embarrassed or somehow ashamed to admit what had happened to her. The sudden harshness to that English lyrics caused the young girl to flinch as she nibbled upon her bottom lip though truly the 'why' of her kidnapping was the greatest mystery. They hadn't even wanted the Asian vampire. Their goal had always been Isolt and yet, somehow, she had gotten dragged along as some sort of leverage against her own Supreme. "I..." Chizue started, her voice trailing off as a frown tugged at the corner of her sweetheart lips. "I was used to make sure my coven leader did what they wanted." She uttered finally, allowing the man to fill in those details as he saw fit. Chizue hardly had it in her to speak of how they had chained her to the very wall of that cell, of how they'd hurt her until they'd found some sick satisfaction and left the bleeding, broken girl to her own loneliness.
Her chocolate eyes turned upwards as that baritone voice reached out to her. It was sweet of him, she supposed, to want that vengeance on her behalf but Chizue had hardly been surprised to find her tormentor alive this evening. After all, Isolt had been Damon's primary focus. The men who had hurt her had surely all been dealt with. One day, maybe she could hope to find someone who might look at her with the same fierce protectiveness and love as Isolt had with Damon. "It's okay." She responded as she reached up to tuck a stray lock of her intensely ebony hair behind her ear. "I've been told their coven is based internationally...though..." Admittedly, she had little idea of why she was telling the man all of this, maybe to somehow reassure him that there was little that could be done about it now? The rumble of a growl deep within his throat drew his gaze upwards towards him, the girl decidedly meek in the face of that sternness. Her head bobbed silently in response to his instance that, regardless, it hardly mattered - the warlock was dead, one way or another. That soft apology upon his lips caught the demure woman off guard and yet, she attempted to provide him with a weak simper. Really, as much as it had horrified her to be close to him again, it was almost reassuring in the aftermath to see with her own eyes that he would not be coming back for her - not anymore. It was one less boogie man to haunt her in the depths of the night when she was alone in her townhome.
The suggestion that he received medical care from a professional, however, was one he was quick to turn down. She could tell, however, from the way he held himself to the very color that surrounded him that he was in pain. That bullet, it seemed, was only lodging itself deeper and deeper into his flesh with every movement. Chizue was quick to shrink back from the very forcefulness of his baritone voice, her head bobbing in a small display of understanding. If he didn't wish a doctor, she was hardly keen to force it upon him....though surely, there must be something that she could do to help? Almost on cue, the man in front of her queried after her own assistance to see to his wounds. Chizue was almost hesitant to agree to help, however, especially when she was so insecure of her ability to remove that bullet from his flesh. Her quandary on whether or not he knew how, however, even prompted a hint of uncertainty within the depths of his accented voice. Softly, Chizue exhaled before she offered him a small nod, only to approach the naked man with her first aid kit tightly gripped within her hand. "Okay, I can do this..." Chizue stated, only to repeat those words in a far softer tone to reassure herself, "I can do this." A singular glance at the Englishman, however, prompted that pink hue to her pale cheeks all over again.
She placed her little first aid kit on what was left of her coffee table, the girl momentarily rifled through the contents for those tweezers she had plucked out of her vanity for just this moment. It worried her, admittedly, that his plan was about as solid as her own but it was all they had. Her gaze shifted upwards as he spoke to her again and briefly, her attention fluttered to the cracked and splintered floorboards. She was hardly certain how she was going to fix them but, it was her responsibility to see to their repair. "It's okay, you don't have to worry." Chizue made some effort to reassure him as she picked up those tweezers. "I's only going to hurt worse." The girl commented as she shifted towards his side. Her darkly hued irises glanced up at him, the girl entirely aware, from this position at his side on her knees, of just how handsome he truly was. "Um...are you ready?"