Yumi Hinata Chizue

Yumi  Chizue
Face Claim: Jessica Jung

General Stats

Name: Yumi Hinata Chizue
Birthdate: June 18, 1989 A.D.
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Japanese American
Hair Color: Dark Brunette
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'4
Residence: Unknown
Red on the Water: Waitress


Species: Vampire
Date of Change: January 01, 2010 A.D.

Relationship Status

Sexuality: Heterosexual
Status: Single


Yumi Chizue is a psychic vampire. This means that instead of feeding off blood, she feeds off of other's energy or psyche. Sadly, being a psychic vampire is all it's cracked up to be as her moods tend to vary based on her last "meal". When necessary she is capable of feeding off other vampires but finds their auras to be rather...well dead. Like normal vampires she is still capable of killing humans by essentially taking too much of their souls. When not under the influence of others Chizue tends to be very blaise towards life. Her constant unwelcomed moods leave her emotionally drained. She's not the type to smile frequently but she doesn't dwell on past mistakes that she's made or others have made towards her. Chizue is always very cautious and she tends to despise change in general.


Psychic Vampire

Feeds off of others energy or psyche instead of blood.


Can cause others lose their way where any/all attempt by the victim to determine their position fail.


The ability to move through objects and ignore most physical effects in their way.

Hypnotic Voice

Can hypnotize others through her voice when singing.


Moods Manipulated By Meals Her moods often change to reflect the general persona of her last meal.


42 Total Points

Character Timeline


Aiden Tetradore
Gender: Male
Species: Were
Serafina Dubois
Gender: Female
Species: Witch
Alexander Macedonia
Gender: Male
Species: DarkHunter
Sebastian Ellington-Aragona
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire
Yumi Chizue
Gender: Female
Species: Vampire
Sterling Tenembrage
Gender: Male
Species: Witch
Abigail Hughes
Gender: Female
Species: Were
Audette Rousseau
Gender: Female
Species: Fairy
Alistair Rosenthal
Gender: Male
Species: DarkHunter
Emerance Rosenthal
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Aislinn Meagher
Gender: Female
Species: Were
Leila Van Acker
Gender: Female
Species: Fairy