
The east side of the city is the very heart of Sacrosanct - it's unique skyline is a clash between modern sky rises and small Victorian-inspired storefronts. In the heart of downtown, the sleek colored glass buildings reign supreme though their old-world roots can be seen in the most peculiar places from the lamp post styled electric street light to the stone sidewalks. The old world architecture slowly returns the further from downtown you travel, however. It's here that magic thrives, it hums in every stone and can be felt in every breath. Often, newcomers to the city may become overwhelmed by such sensations but, eventually, it becomes an ever-present feeling that's hardly noticed.

What You'll Find Here

City Creek Center
Dark Hunter Department
Inner Sanctum
Red on the Water
Starlight Tower

;; the fantasy on your mind

Posted on May 24, 2016 by SEBASTIAN ELLINGTON

Sebastian EllingtonI need to feel you again, feel my lips on your skin
for one night I could be him, no, I could be better

In a way, even Sebastian had to admit a sort of pride at being able to finally render even royalty breathless with his capabilities between the sheets. After all, it was no secret that they were afforded their own share of continual lovers if they so wished it. His own monarchy had become particularly dull on such a topic of late but still, he knew well the numbers that Dorian, in his age and title, had likely had. It hardly bothered him one way or another considering his own count and yet, he still had to remind himself that he was exactly that. A number. They both were and even the magnificence of this night would not change that. Still, it wasn't often that this train of thought even beset Sebastian. It wasn't often that he had wanted to even contemplate the notion of keeping one of his lovers around. It was precisely, however, this train of thought that Sebastian had momentarily been entertaining before the syllables of his name left the lips of his stately companion, dragging his crystalline gaze towards the man's naked and exhausted figure. A warm simper crossed the man's lips at Dorian's insistence that such formalities were hardly necessary, and slowly his head bobbed ever so slightly, 'Of course." He responded, fully committing such a preference to memory. After all, that was what he did, wasn't it? He was, for just one night, whatever they wanted.

It was this, perhaps, that caused the man to change such topics, though the direction of such was admittedly not far better. Still, he listened raptly to the rather glossed over explanation he was provided with. It wasn't hard to see that there was indeed a story to such a journey but since it was not offered, he did not ask after it either. Regardless, a soft chuckle left his lips as Dorian's rather blunt statement that the world had somehow changed shape since his last venture, the vampire happily taking the opportunity to tease the elder fairy all the same, "Hush, Dorian, you're showing your age." The world, after all, had been declared round far before he was born though he knew well that once a belief was not so strongly held.
The line of inquiry, however, ended quite abruptly, Sebastian's gaze shifting ever so slightly as his companion moved upwards towards him, knowing well the inspective gaze that he was now beset with, after all, it was rather familiar to him in the games he so often played. "Hm?" He inquired at Dorian's consideration, his head tilting slightly to the side against the satin sheets. His gaze was now steadfast upon the fairy at his side, watching as he shifted closer and once again against his own naked frame. He had begun, in some fashion or another, to understand what was desired of him at the simple gesture of the man's thumb upon his lip and without reservation his mouth parted ever so slightly, his fangs still tainted a slight hue of pink from his rather recent feast. Sebastian remained particularly still as Dorian's thumb slowly entered his mouth, the man becoming still as stone as Dorian's thumb began to drag along his fang in an inquisitive fashion. As much as he hated to admit it, he was still all too aware of the man's fingers within his mouth. It would be far too easy to bite down - to take more and yet, for a moment, his eyelids flutter close, suppressing those lingering animalistic urges he so despised.

He could feel his fang piercing flesh and softly a sound of relief left his lips as Dorian withdrew his finger, the vampire's tongue immediately drifting to his fang to lick the residual blood that existed there. The taste was still far more delicious than what Sebastian expected, the man eternally caught off guard by the flavor. His eyelashes fluttered open at the sound of Dorian's voice, easily making the connection of the man's thumb between his own lips. Briefly, Sebastian could hardly help the nearly endearing look that crossed his features at Dorian's actions, despite how foolheartedly they seemed. "I would hope not." He commented. The look he provided his companion hardly lasted long, however, before the man's thumb brushed across his lip and in a perhaps too eager fashion, Sebastian's tongue quickly followed in his trail, tasting every morsel he was given.

Dorian's inquiry, however, pulled his attention away from the blood he was still taunted with, despite his body's satisfaction. He nodded ever so slightly, "Yes." The vampire paused before adding after a moment's consideration, "At least, the only I've met. Most simply cause paralysis. I've met one before that caused hallucinations. Some cause pain, others simply cause it to not hurt, but even then it isn't quite the same." He was, after all, made for this, in ever facet of the word. He watched as the man settled beside him, laying his head against his hands as he made himself comfortable. A soft sigh left Sebastian's lips as he considered the conundrum before him. There was perhaps more than one reason that the vampire failed to bring his lovers to his own home. With them, he could easily sneak out after the fell into a blissful sleep before the sun rose to retreat to the safety of his own room. Here, however, there was naught but the thick blackout curtains to protect him from the sunlight - that and trust that Dorian wouldn't throw open every curtain in his room. Trust for his life was not something Sebastian easily gave - and yet, as his crystalline gave settled on the man beside him, he couldn't quite bring himself to ask Dorian to leave either.

Slowly, Sebastian reached down to pull the comforter over their naked figures before gingerly leaving over to press his lips against the top of Dorian's head in an entirely affectionate gesture. "Don't open the curtains, Dorian." He uttered softly before settling against his companion's figure. If he was condemning himself by this simple action, at least he could say that perhaps he'd had a hint of the best the world had to offer him. Still, he reached over to flick off the lamp beside the bed, entirely willing to let the man beside him sleep while the vampire stared up at the ceiling in a rare moment of contentment, his body, despite his exhaustion, was far too awake - he would be, at least, until the sun begun to rise and paint the sky with her myriad of colors.