
Within the Northern vicinity of the city, the wealthy gather behind meticulously trimmed hedges and high-class architecture. The pristine streets are paved with stone and the storefronts are brightly lit and inviting - for the right clientele. In the North, every establishment is eager to cater to the rich and the wealthy. Many such places are used to the sometimes peculiar requests of the otherworldly but here there is little that money cannot buy - whether it happens to be illegal or merely involves looking the other way. Vampires and Dark Hunters are often found upon these Northern streets, their long lives often contributing to their sizable wealth which allows them the luxuries that the North provides.

What You'll Find Here

The VooDoo Room
The Witchery

energy ready and waiting

Posted on February 12, 2018 by Damon Marcello

Arlo gave up an amused thank you as he climbed into the car though it was obvious the close quarters was hell on his self control. Damon gave him a look in the mirror that he could tell Arlo had seen but he was happy enough to let him have the window down when he asked, knowing the night air would help distract him from the vampire blood all over all of those present. It seemed Isolt's authority could leak through even to Arlo when she spoke, Damon a little surprised that he wouldn't give smart remarks back when she said that basically everything happened back there was their faults. Damon wouldn't apologize for it but he knew better than to antagonize her further by arguing his side. She wouldn't see reason when it came to fighting others of their kind. Most women wouldn't. Violence wasn't in her nature but it was a great big part of Damon and he'd lived with that all his life. They reacted to scenarios very differently but she was the love of his life and his Supreme so he knew the lines to be drawn.

When she brought up shoes, he was more than happy to oblige, his brow lifting as Arlo leaned forward to show her his wad of cash and saying that he could spring for one shoe in Damon got the other. He snorted. "Keep your money, Arlo. I know you have bills to pay. This one's on me." He hoped bringing up bills would keep Arlo's pride in check so he didn't force the money on them. Damon would hate to think he couldn't fend for himself for the next week or something because he'd given up his pocket change for them. They made it to the tavern and went inside. Isolt offered refreshments but Damon made it obvious he was unhappy when she offered her own blood to Arlo. He knew what Arlo was but he'd much rather offer even his own blood than to have Isolt release her own previous life nectar to anyone. It was unacceptable. He was very possessive of all her qualities and blood was among those.

Arlo hissed back, the electricty crackling and Damon snarled, pulling Arlo's electricity into the very glass he was holding, hoping it would give him a good zap and remind him just who he's dealing with. Isolt said something about it just being blood and he growled. "Not just blood. YOUR blood, love. It is far too precious." His gaze never left Arlo's still challenging him to back down and yet the words came out almost in a worshipping fashion, like he was talking about a treasure he would defend with his dying breath. He heard her command them to stop but he wouldn't back down until Arlo did. He wouldn't give the younger vampire the satisfaction of him looking away first. Survival 101. When the knock came and Isolt went to answer it, Damon hardly noticed that Arlo went missing behind the bar. He couldn't tear his eyes away from Isolt and the man who called himself Xavier. He didn't like him immediately. In fact, he felt his head would look much better once removed from his body.

But Isolt wouldn't look him in the eye past demanding he stay here. The very silent words themselves tore at him like claws and he knew he could be the asshole and ignore her, follow them right in but he knew that would diminish Isolt's supremecy in the coven and he couldn't allow Xavier that satisfaction either. So he held his tongue and his temper against all odds, though his power came out to play as it always does when emotions are high. The door closed behind them and only then did he notice someone else in the room with him. His head snapped around at the movement from the bar, only to find Arlo on the other side. He raised a brow, watching where he was now after knowing where he was before Xavier came in. "When did you get over there? You know what? Nevermind." He scowled thougthfully either way since he knew he had been distracted. He knew Arlo could teleport but even if he'd jumped the bar the old fashioned way, Damon probably wouldn't have noticed.

But Arlo's words drew him like a fish to water, his eyes narrowing as he searched Arlo's face for signs that he was mocking him. "If I did, could you make that happen or are you just testing me?" His gaze dared Arlo to say it was just a joke. Now was not the time. Finally Arlo teleported back in front of him and Damon continued to take him in with wary curiosity, wondering just what he was up to and what was in it for him. Damon was a man of motivation and it only seemed reasonable that Arlo be motivated by something too. When Arlo held out his hand, Damon eyed it for a second before looking back at him. Arlo admitted that he could control other things but wasn't willing to accept it the night they went out. Damon lifted a brow but said nothing since he already knew Arlo was just in denial. Then he said he could hack into Xavier's phone with his and delete the history. Damon smirked after a moment, putting his phone in Arlo's hand.

"Alright. Let's see what you can do." What did he have to lose, right? If Isolt found out, he could handle her temper. If Xavier found out and moved against them, he would kill him. Easy peasy. The only way he wouldn't be happy was if Xavier moved against Isolt so Arlo'd better make damn certain he didn't find out. He waited for Arlo to do his mojo, looking from him to the phone but the minute he started hearing voices, he snatched the phone back and set it on the bar. There was some background noise but his keen hearing could tune it out and focus on Xavier and Isolt's voices. Behind him, he heard Arlo's warning and his lips quirked. Of course Arlo would leave him to deal with the conseqences, but then he was used to that with anyone. He was used to always taking care of number one, no matter what. He would have said something back but Xavier chose that time to speak up, mentioning Arlo and Damon gave the phone his full attention, listening as they spoke.

He merely grinned, clearly proud of himself when Xavier brought up his temper. When Xavier's temper rose, Damon tensed, already ready to burst down the door and kill him before he touched one hair on Isolt's head but in the next moment he only heard silence after Xavier's threat. He felt his fangs grinding together as his jaw clenched. In a way, the silence was torture in itself. He wanted to know what they were doing, what HE was doing. If he so much as touched her....but then he heard Isolt's voice like an angel in the blackest abyss. Her voice was level and smooth, almost too smooth, like poisoned honey. Damon couldn't have been more proud of her than he was in this moment as she defended his honor, telling Xavier she would kill him. Still, he knew the dangers of threatening a coven leader and his guard was up, his eyes back trained on that door as if he could summon xray vision to look right through it. If he so much as moved toward her...

His powers started ramping up again, the lights still intact in the tavern growing eerily bright, even in the office.
