
Within the Northern vicinity of the city, the wealthy gather behind meticulously trimmed hedges and high-class architecture. The pristine streets are paved with stone and the storefronts are brightly lit and inviting - for the right clientele. In the North, every establishment is eager to cater to the rich and the wealthy. Many such places are used to the sometimes peculiar requests of the otherworldly but here there is little that money cannot buy - whether it happens to be illegal or merely involves looking the other way. Vampires and Dark Hunters are often found upon these Northern streets, their long lives often contributing to their sizable wealth which allows them the luxuries that the North provides.

What You'll Find Here

The VooDoo Room
The Witchery

all of the love i see, please say you feel it too

Posted on February 18, 2019 by isolt griffin

isolt griffin

I'm more alive than I've ever been

The sensation of his lips brushing their caress across the supple ridges of her knuckles soothes the weary Isolt in a magnificent and wholly-indescribable way, the young woman fully aware of the affect that her soon-to-be husband has upon her, the feather-light tickle of butterfly wings fluttering about within her stomach with the meer sensation of his eyes upon her had not abated even a modicum since the day she had met him. Perhaps she had known even then, even subconsciously, that she loved him, when they had been no more to one another than wayward strangers chancing upon each other in the throes of a street carnival. And oh how that love had blossomed. How it had grown in the years since that fateful evening. Isolt had feared it once, existing in a state of muted terror for a time lest he should grow tired of her and choose from what would surely have been a festival of endless alternates. Alas, she had taken perhaps the greatest leap of faith and allowed herself to fall ever so hopelessly in love...

... and he had fallen with her.

Isolt's hand pulls Damon's to rest against the velveteen slope of her cheek before she cranes her head to meet his eyes. She would have been happy to lose herself in those eyes forevermore, but instead does she motion gently for him to be seated beside her. It is a series of breathlessly long moments before the interior of Isolt's womb flashes into black and white focus unto the screen beside them, Renee maneuvering the sensor expertly against the subtle rise of her abdomen until...

Had Isolt breath to spare she would have forfeited it at the sight of her baby, of their baby. Her hand tightens about Damon's own as a small shape comes into view upon the monitor. Two tiny feet, followed by two tiny hands and the curvature of a tiny head. "She's a little small, but it's nothing to worry about. Now, let's see about a heartbeat," she muses, flipping a switch at the edge of the monitor. Driven solely by the marionette strings of her subconscience, Isolt leans forward, falsely delicate hand drawing ever tighter about that of her fiance. It seems an eternity passes before and beyond the trio before the first, rapid little beats of a tiny heart echo from the speakers of the monitor. It is then that Isolt collapses back unto the headrest of the examination table, a trembling smile spreading readily across her features as she glances in the direction of her lover... perhaps for affirmation that his elation matches her own. She knows of his trepidations for she shares them too, but in this moment they fall away as a dried and brittle skin that shall no longer burden her.

"Well, there you have it, folks... a healthy baby girl. What do you think, daddy?" Renee's tone is gentle, the query directed at Damon perhaps to shatter the unseen, icy barrier forged by his silence.
