How different this was from all the other times she had been pressed against the perfectly sculpted chest of the suave vampire, her petite body wracked with emotions of a different kind entirely as she gripped the impeccably starched fabric of his button down. He was like a shelter in the storm of memories and feelings that swirled around her, his strong arms cradling her with an impossible level of tenderness as he questioned her gently about her captor. His desire for knowledge and vengeance of some kind or another one she was uniquely aware of, but she had been stifled completely by fear. At the mere memory of all that she had been through the scars that lay across her back felt fresh as the day he had created them, a silver laced whip not even the most creative of the weapons that fae had possessed but one that ensured her wounds would never fully heal. Even the vaguest hint of those dark days was enough for her to swallow any hopes she had of escaping the fear of him finding her permanently. Even as she had escaped from the burning embers of his estate she held little hope for that, deep in the heart of a forest in Illinois she knew his reach would be far too wide for that sort of freedom ever again.
Sebastian seemed to understand as he did not press the matter further, at least not now though she did not believe for a moment he would simply forget about all that she had revealed tonight. Whatever their relationship she felt on some level that they shared a connection and with his wealth and status she doubted few things were ever out of his reach. Her attention shifting to the fresh tear-stain on his chest as she made that half-hearted attempt at humor which was so often her escape from more painful matters such as this.
It seemed however that the Royal was less inclined to be so diverted, at least not yet as the soft utterance of her name from his lips drew her gaze towards his. There was a seriousness on his face she had not expected, a gravity that did not make sense until he laid out his proposal in such clear terms. He had never truly been one to beat around the bush, and even as the weight of that offer swirled around her mind her lips parted to accept it, to be connected to him in that way. Yet he asked her to think about it, and surely she owed them both that much as she evaluated all that he asked of her and all that he might give in return. It was one of the things she truly appreciated about the vampire, despite any power he might wield against her he not only gave her the choice but made sure she was aware of exactly what it would require.
Yet for a moment all of that melted away as one question rose above the cacophony of those that spun around her mind, one she had wondered about for a very long time. There is no missing the surprise on his face as she questions why he would expend any such effort on someone like herself. Even as her eyes fall back down to where her featherweight touch traced those obscure patters on his chest, finding herself a bit self-conscious in the wake of all she had disclosed to him already.
That pattern falters for a moment as he begins to reply, her sensitive ears hanging onto every syllable even as her head nodded ever so slightly in understanding. It made sense that he would want someone who would keep his secrets, no doubt the fact that she had never made to expose any of their encounters up to this point giving this credence, but it was not until he mentioned that he liked her that her turquoise gaze races back to his face. Of course they find the crystalline depths of his own waiting for her there in the weight of that pause before he ever so slightly reveals that familiar simper she had come to know so well. A breathy laugh leaving her at his comments on how she tasted, easily recognizing his own wit as she let herself examine his handsomely cut features.