
Within the Northern vicinity of the city, the wealthy gather behind meticulously trimmed hedges and high-class architecture. The pristine streets are paved with stone and the storefronts are brightly lit and inviting - for the right clientele. In the North, every establishment is eager to cater to the rich and the wealthy. Many such places are used to the sometimes peculiar requests of the otherworldly but here there is little that money cannot buy - whether it happens to be illegal or merely involves looking the other way. Vampires and Dark Hunters are often found upon these Northern streets, their long lives often contributing to their sizable wealth which allows them the luxuries that the North provides.

What You'll Find Here

The VooDoo Room
The Witchery

:: Shake, Rattle, Roll

Posted on May 06, 2015 by Tobias

That breaking cars could possibly be a good thing is met with a look of disbelief from the man, eyes narrowed slightly as they inspect his damaged side once more before a snort of sorts sees his foot slam against the accelerator once more and away from the raging bearded man Tobias has forgotten exists at all, offering yet another pointed glare as Birdie moves to attempt to steer for him, hand moving to swat her own away.

"Is not...Birdies turn!"

Turn taking is by far his least favoured social norm and yet he is content to follow such rules when they are given to suit his own needs- or Tetradore enforces them, assured that Raven too must b bound by such things as he moves to grip the steering wheel only more firmly, proceeding to swerve and circle erratically about the arena, oblivious to his companions rising nausea and the manner in which they are thrown continually against the seatbelt restraints. This is the first time in which the shaggy-haired man has ever been permitted to drive, his evident amusement clear in every features upon his youthful face, delighted snickers falling from his lips as he proceeds to race about the ring, the crowd seeming only further delighted at his near delusional form of driving that is so entirely unpredictable he has very near succeeded in the destruction of the majority of other trucks- though most by their own fault in attempts to strike his vehicle, Tobias so wholly unaware of their efforts as he merely continues to drive, truck aimed suddenly towards what he believes to be a hill or sorts.

He can sense his companions fear, that taste almost palpable to him as her fingers cling tightly to the sides of the chair and yet why she remains so nervous he hardly knows, his inability to understand fear, much less recognise reckless behaviour is a surely limited thing, one perhaps not encouraged by the fights within the ark or Tetradore's own guidance- both men far more inclined to press the limits of safety at every opportunity. He cannot understand the notion of death, much less how it may occur, entirely incapable of recognising his girlfriends all-consuming fear in this moment as he steers his truck towards the hill- eyes once more drawn away from the road he should surely be focusing on to look at Birdie once more as she asks if he wants to 'fly' head nodded eagerly now as he moved to do as told and steer straight ahead. There is something to be said- perhaps for a mind untouched by fear, the boy free of nerves of panic, as calm and content as if he merely plays one of his games with his companions, fathomless dark eyes focused upon the road ahead as he presses further down upon the accelerator.


Added sound effects are needed it would seem, the boy very near purring along with the engine as he hits the ramp, truck launched skyward as the boy frantically grasps at the wheel to prevent himself flying from the truck entirely before it crashes back to earth, squealing to a halt as Birdie jerks upon the clutch, shutting the engine down. Their sudden halt is met with little more then the roar of the crowd, the audience unable to see the tension and fear within the woman, nor understand the utter inability of the man within to drive as he simply grins in excitability and Birdie struggles to breath. So much of this entire scenario lost upon him.

"What do"

That there is to be prizes is an evidently thrilling thing, his competitive nature thriving upon such an offer as hands clap together excitedly before the passenger side door is suddenly thrust open, hands reaching to clasp about Birdie's neck as the boy merely stares momentarily in surprise. His hesitation however, is only a second or so, his desire to protect what he believes his own resulting in the sudden appearance of those deadly feline claws upon his fingers, a feral sounding growl within his human throat before one hand slashes wildly towards Birdie's attacker, claws gashing open the hands that seek to hold her throat as blood spatters across the interior of the car. The wail that follows assures his attack is successful and yet it would seem his patience for this individual has run perilously thin, skin and hair replaced in a veritable explosion as the Leopard lunges over his girlfriend and out of the truck, a snarl of outrage caught upon his lips as the bearded man frantically clutches his wounded hand, stumbling upon that dusty, dirty sand in an effort to get away from the stalking cat- those golden eyes wholly focused upon his newest target....

madness, as you know, is like gravity: all it takes is a little push
