I bet on me and my own heartbeat Maybe if Kat knew about her power and the strength behind it, maybe she wouldn't be so fearful of what this man could potentially do to her. Then again, even if Kathryn knew about being a witch and the silver blood in her veins, even if she knew about the destruction she could cause, it was unlikely that she ever actually would, always preferring to take the defensive (aka run away) rather than the offensive. Kathryn, despite her age, was still that little girl inside who ball her eyes out if her granddad even dared to roll up a newspaper in an attempt to kill a spider, that same little girl who would stand on the sidewalk to make sure no one stepped on the ant hill. She wasn't dangerous...at least not intentionally. It would almost seem as if Kathryn had control over ice rather than the wind, because as of the current moment, the little witch was essentially frozen into place, black converse stuck on the ground, fear like nails in her feet, uncertainty like glue on the soles of her shoes. Her fingernails continue to dig into her palm unaware of what she was doing, not able to feel any pain as adrenaline pumps through her body, numbing her to the feeling of touch, yet heightening her sense of sight and sound, body lurching on the flight or fight response. (Though of course, we know it would certainly be the earlier rather than the later.) The man smirks before speaking and Kathryn finds herself jump a little at his voice. The dark haired witch instantly releases her tiny fists, stretching out her finger tips, blue eyes glancing downwards for a moment before looking back at him, his smirk, a raised eyebrow with a teasing voice. How can he be so casual about what was going on here? "Sorry," she says in response, not even really sure why she was even apologizing to him for digging her nails nervously into her palms. Good. He says in response and Kathryn's heart beats a little faster as she tries to keep herself from imagining the fate these men may face, and what could have been hers if she had in fact known them. "Do you?" She says, her voice louder in volume than she had initially anticipated as she takes a few more tiny steps forward, unable to help herself it seems. One step, two, three, but she halts there, lifting her head slightly to gain a small peek at the man on the ground as the dangerous stranger states that the man laying down is simply out cold. Yeah, like that was supposed to make her feel better. "Please don't kill him," she says, her voice meek. "Please," she repeats, as if a second please would actually do much good in convincing this clearly crazy person she had only met moments ago. Kat isn't even sure why she doesn't want the unconscious fellow to be killed, it wasn't like he was any better of a person, he had tried to attack the other guy with a wooden knife for christ's sake! Maybe it is simply that Kathryn cant imagine anyone dying, especially watching someone die, let alone murdered. Her question is left hanging in the air, suspended off the ground like a hammock in between two trees. He was just staring at her with her furrowed brows. Kathryn shifts from foot to foot uncomfortably, jumping slightly once more as he chuckles, saying she really didn't know. Know what? That he was a mad man? Bright blue eyes search his face in an attempt to guess what sort of intentions he has, but the mystery is soon solved as he tells her that he wasn't going to killâ€"because it wouldn't serve any purpose. "Umm thanks...I think," she says, blinking the confusion away from her eyes. Despite the fact that his gaze grows intense, darker even, Kathryn finds herself taking a few more baby steps towards him, unable to help herself. Perhaps only three or four feet break the distance between them. Why wasn't she running clear in the opposite direction? Silly child. Vampire. The word sends a chill up her spine as she opens her mouth almost to argue that vampires weren't real. But even as the natural doubt flies across her thoughts, she knows this to be false. This man was a vampire. Blue eyes widen, but she attempts to quickly grasp her composure, despite the racing of her heart. "I've never met a vampire before," the words toss from her mouth as she realizes how stupid and naive it sounds leaving her lips. She knows she should be scared, and she was, though not as much as she should have been. But he had said he wouldn't kill her, and Kathryn felt for now, that was enough. She breathes, letting an inaudible sigh flutter from her lungs. "I'm Kathryn," she says, slowly extending her hand forward with nails painted navy blue. "And you are? Or should I call you Soulless Asshole?" |