
The southern part of the city has a chic family-oriented sort of charm to it. Here, small locally owned shops run rampant, neighbors often know each other by name, and the monthly socials are an event not to be missed. In the South, children can often be seen safely playing in the park or on sidewalks and in the weekends, families often take to the beach to enjoy the warm waters surrounding the city.

What You'll Find Here

Ascension Center of Equitation
Hyde Park
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
The Outskirts
The University of Sacrosanct

Ascension Center of Equitation

The Ascension Center of Equitation is the epicenter of the Dark Hunter Cavalry Unit. Originally a high-class facility for show-jumping, Ascension now caters entirely to the Cavalry Unit. Here the Dark Hunters learn how to ride and fight upon the backs of horses - many of which are Were's themselves.
Home of: The Cavalry

Hyde Park

Hyde Place takes up a large part of the Southern side of the city and includes a large playground, several fountains, and a small garden. The park is open from five in the morning till midnight though many shady characters may visit this place while it's technically "closed". The park has also been a venue for several concerts and hosts many holiday-related events. Under a full moon, witches are often seen here for the sacred ground beneath the iconic Weeping Beech.

Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium

The Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium (PDZA) is an award-winning combined zoo and aquarium located within the Southern Part of Sacrosanct. Situated on 92 acres in Sacrosanct's Hyde Park, the zoo and aquarium are home to over 9,000 specimens representing 367 animal species. Point Defiance is also widely known for its conversation efforts regarding the breed and release program of Red Wolves.

The Outskirts

Beyond the city limits and over the bridge lies the deep, dark, and almost impenetrable forest. Often seen as a way to guard this magical city against the world that surrounds it, many are entirely ignorant of the evil that may creep between those tree trunks. Many were-creatures use the forest for the transformations of their newest members and some even take to hunting here. It isn't particularly peculiar for people to go missing within this forest but once you get through, the rest of the world awaits.

The University of Sacrosanct

The University of Sacrosanct offers some of the top programs in the nation with its outstanding campus and specialized faculty. The University places a high focus both upon educating future generations but also on research to help revolutionize the world. The University welcomes the talent of students across the world to enroll and unlock their unlimited potential. With applications from across the nation, classes fill up quickly.

PhD in Plant Biology Abigail Hughes

i might never be your knight in shining armor

Posted on August 05, 2018 by levi jameson miller

Everything was silent within the confines of his small apartment, cheap curtains drawn over the window to his bedroom as he lay there wrapped up in the stark white sheets that came with the furniture already having filled those four walls. And what luck he'd had in finding such a place on what was quickly becoming his favorite side of the city the man only just arrived in a couple short days ago. One might have thought a guy with nothing more to his name than a backpack holding some clothes slung over his shoulder wouldn't be able to afford such a place, even if Riverdale was one of the cheapest places he'd found after some scouring on the first day he walked into Sacrosanct's limits, maybe even questioning just how it was that he'd been able to get the money for the deposit the complex owner had been expectant on receiving before handing over the key to 406. After all, it wasn't like the man had been able to really keep a job for very long, his work ethic leaving much to be desired by the last employers who had been willing to overlook his record of minor misdemeanors and sporadic pattern of spending a few night in custody before his mother would end up bailing him out. It was easy for the delinquent to exploit the soft heart of his mother, something that any decent son might at least feel some degree of guilt or shame on doing, but there was no such thing they stirred within the were when he would make that phone call home. His father blatantly refused to even acknowledge Levi's existence anymore, having long since grown tired of the less than honest way that his own flesh and blood seemed adamant on living. There was no denying that there would always be frustration in his mother's voice as she would attempt to scold him as any good mother would her troublesome child, and Levi wasn't deaf to the disappointment he could hear in her words, but none of it ever made a difference. He wasn't a kid anymore. The whole reason he ran from home at the age of seventeen was because of the almost relentless attempts his parents made to try and straighten him out. Community service, leaving him locked up for a few nights to "give him a taste" of what his future was bound to be like if he kept going down the same path, they'd done just about everything that they could to make him change.

None of it worked, though. He would promise his mother that he would try and get his shit together, and she would wire the money to get him out of the trouble his most recent escapade had landed him in. He doubted she ever really bought into the promises that he would make to set things straight, instead more apt to believe that the woman simply couldn't handle the heartache - or embarrassment, which was more likely than the first - or seeing the man stuck behind bars. But the money that he'd used had been his own surprisingly enough. Despite his preference to steal and pawn off whenever the opportunity would present itself, he wasn't a stranger to mowing lawns and doing odd jobs for elderly people. It was easy money, and money was something that he wouldn't deny finding as a crucial necessity. And though he absolutely hated the idea of getting another job somewhere in this city, he preferred to have a roof over his head. For the last few years, he'd been homeless. A vagabond without a decent bed or much of anything, but it didn't bother him much considering the fact that he was were. He hunted to put food in his stomach, made himself at home in abandoned burrows left behind by badgers or foxes, enjoyed lounging around lazily in the sun as he would soak up whatever warmth he could through his vibrantly marked and coarse fur. Hell, life was pretty much good for the dog in him. There wasn't anything quite like no responsibilities, no working to make another dollar under the table only to give it up for rent or a warm, cooked meal. And yet, the human in him would mush rather have the luxury of an actual apartment or something a little more solid over his head, the appeal of a real bed always hold a more pleasant appeal than bugging a hollow in some dirt and calling it good. Either would work for the were in the end, but who wouldn't opt for what could easily be considered as more favorable if not luxurious? Despite the scuffle hardwood floors and dinged-up walls stained and needing a good scrub and fresh coat of paint, it was the closest to living well that Levi has had since packed that same tattered and torn backpack with some clothes and hightailed it from the attempted control of his parents.

As per the usual, he struggles with finding that deep sleep, giving one on final twist of his body in that bed only to have him laying in his back. It was too quiet. Yeah, he could hear the traffic outside, but with the walls of apartment buffering against most of the noise, it has him restless as it often does. Giving an agitated groan, he finally pulls himself out of those messy sheets and moves over to the window. Pushing the linens aside, he can see nothing but clear blue skies and sunshine, looking down to the crowded streets that seemed a touch quieter as the beings below took shelter from the heat of the summer afternoon. Perhaps many of them have retreated to the beach he'd heard of. Where there was sunshine and crashing ocean blue, there were people. And where there were people, there were usually women... in bikinis with sun-kissed skin and wind-swept hair. That sounded infinitely better than fighting for sleep. Coming to an effortless decision, he moves over to the backpack sitting beside the single scuffed nightstand made of cheap wood composite and pulls a pair of turquoise trunks - freshly stolen from the last department store he'd worked in before disappearing from that small town - and a white tank top, slipping it over his toned torso after sliding on the trunks. He didn't have intentions of swimming, but as he knew all too well and always took amusement in, things changed. If nothing else, he'd just try and take a nap in the sun or something if smoldering dark chocolate eyes didn't find anything worth chatting up. Pushing away the tiredness that he's long since come to accept as normal for him, he grabs his apartment key and stashes it into his left pocket before putting on some sandles and departing from his apartment. He walks down the street with strong hands in those trunks, following the signs that guided him towards the beach, though it wasn't too terribly hard to figure out considering he spent most of his nights simply meandering aimlessly in the dark, getting accustomed to this new city. Eventually, his senses can detect ocean salt and when he rounds on more concrete building, he spies the vast expanse of saltwater scenery. Just as he expected, it was crowded here, families enjoying the summer sunshine and children ran wild and parents lounged under large beach umbrellas. He strides lazily towards the shoreline, walking along the soaked sand, eyeing every beautiful woman he could find. Alas, none of them seemed to be without males clamoring for their attention, so he continues on his way, running a hand through brunette hair before lifting the tank top over his head to allow the beach-goers to see the rippled plains or his abdomen and the definition of his chest, arms, and back.

There is almost arrogant satisfaction as he walks on, only to watch as a few women paused in their gossiping to look at the were and whisper amongst themselves. He might have stopped to try his luck... if it wasn't for the jocks that showed up only moments later. Oh well. The number of people scattered along the beaches begins to thin the further than he walks, and soon there is no one when he spots a rocky lookout ahead. He would try his luck later. He had the entire day to waste, after all. Taking the tank top slung over his shoulder and throwing it down on the sand, he settles there alongside the rocks, enjoying the warmth of the sand and sun as he lies there on the beach. It isn't long before he can feel himself attempting slip away, finding the crashing of the waves and screeching seabirds just enough noise so that he can doze off. He doesn't know how long he lies there, arms folded behind his head as he simply basked in the summer afternoon, but it was when the heat of the sun disappears that has his heavy eyes opening to stormy skies. What the hell happened? How long was I out? He sits up now, the wind suddenly beginning to pick up around him. Moments later, it starts to rain, followed quickly by hail. There hadn't even been the smallest speck of cumulus earlier... So where the hell did this suddenly come from? He can feel the hairs along the back of his neck beginning to bristle, the animal in him awakened by the sudden shift in the weather as it seems to acknowledge this as an occurrence far from a natural change. Storms didn't just come out of nowhere like this... And that's when he sees her. The woman is running wildly across the wet sand, turning to look over her shoulder as though she were being chased, even though Levi can see no one in pursuit. When she turns around, the wind only seems to pick up, pulling at her curled hair as it swirls all around her. What happens next, the man hardly expected. The ocean waves begin to grow bigger, angrier as they thrash wildly at the shore. Suddenly, in the distance, there is a spout of water rising ever higher into the air, called forth by the now fierce wind that rages around the woman. It hardly takes much for the were to guess that she was the reason for what was happening, knowing now she was not as human as she appeared. She stops in her tracks, frozen, her fear falling off her in waves that his keen senses are easily able to pick up. This isn't going to end well.

He leaps up to his feet then, not even worrying about his tank top or sandles as he races over to her, the stainless-steel chain around his neck clanking with his strides. He stops there in front of her, grasping her wrist in his hand."Hey! Come on!", he shouts over the howling zephyrs. Not waiting for her to answer, he pulls her with him as they run now towards the rocky outlook he's been dozing near only moments ago, the man having seen what looked like a cave further up the beach and away from the water. She clearly didn't seem to have a handle on her magic, and that would only spell trouble for both of them. When they reach the cave, he pulls her inside and wraps his arms around her, not stopping to think of how much worse he could be making the entire situation. He calls on his own affinity then, sensing the magic in the woman and slowly dragging it from her own frame, rendering it gone from her as he takes it. Normally, he only stole powers because he needed to defend himself, but now seemed like as good a time as any. He can feel the wild energy in his own muscled build now, electric and fierce. It takes his own body to adjust as it always did when he summoned his absorption, heart beginning to race with the surge of adrenamine as he seizes it within himself, his own power augmenting with it and calling the storm to quiet. It takes a few moments and a fair amount of effort from the were as he focuses his gaze to the wild winds and waterspout, slowing the energies and beckoning the zephyrs to cease, and soon the spiraling body of water falls back into the ocean and the waves calm back into their easy rocking. The clouds still linger dark and almost ominous, the winds still blowing though nowhere near as fiercely as they had been earlier, but the rain and hail ceases altogether now. The man is lightheaded for a moment as everything steadily begins to settle, and when the worst has passed, he now turns his gaze to the woman that had been in his strong arms."Well, that was interesting", he murmurs almost breathlessly as he feels the adrenaline from the mad dash across the beach and into the cave leave his system."Are you alright?", he says to her now, tenor tones smooth as he gives her a debonair grin like they'd just met in the most normal and casual of ways instead of in the midst of an ocean storm she'd either knowingly summoned and lost control of or simply didn't have any control over at all.

I Can See You Just Love The Chase. Lucky For You, My Dear, Because That's My Favorite Game.
