Ellie never planned on who she would attempt to make friends with on any given day. While most of her days were usually already mapped out through college class schedules and errands that needed running after her list of chores had been conquered, there were those days where she had all morning, noon, and night to do whatever she so desired. She could go and watch a movie, maybe out to dinner somewhere. Most days, she usually just found herself wandering downtown, window shopping or strolling through the park when the weather was perfect like it was today. And on those days where they weren't anywhere near as pleasant, she was tucked away within the comforts of her townhouse, perhaps snuggled under one of her favorite fleece blankets with a book and cup of tea, coffee, or hot coco. Really, there wasn't anything that the young woman wasn't up for, and the moment that any one of her friends so much as suggested they go on some sort of outing together, she would be more than willing and ready to seize the opportunity of some spontaneous adventure. Such things that were perhaps a little out of her normal habits though certainly not out of her consideration were activities like swimming in a nearby river or lake, maybe even ice skating despite Ellie being absolutely terrible at it and yet hardly ever dissuaded by the number of times he would land on her butt. Of the many things she never really got the chance to do, hiking was probably one of her favorite outdoorsy things, something all too appealing and wonderful about the idea of following some naturally made trail left behind by the wildlife that used it frequently to reach water sources or forage for edibles along. For her, each and every day held the promise of something splendid happening, the young woman entirely ready to believe with her whole self that all anyone needed to do was keep their eyes, hearts, and minds open. Anything could happen. A new friend or adventure could be waiting just around the next corner and one wouldn't even know it until the very moment was right in front of them. And this was perhaps the very reason why it was that she and Frost had forged a connection.
Whether he saw it or not, the honey-blonde woman adored him. In all truth, it was a surprise that the huntress has yet to have had her heart broken by some cute guy she met by chance, just as she did Frost or even Lani, who had just so happened to be shopping in the same local market that Ellie preferred to get all her fresh fruits and vegetables from. Then again, it was likely to only surprise those on the outside looking in, strangers that saw her through indifferent eyes on the city streets when she would offer a radiant and warm smile to anyone whose gaze might happen to meet her own for even the most fleeting of moments. Some would wonder how it was she has not become so smitten with a man her age, why it was that she was not fawning over some cute fellow she'd met while standing in line at the café, simply waiting for her order and more than happy to pass the time talking to him if he would so indulge her in brief conversation. What many did not see was the shadow that had a tendency to linger nearby on some days, occasionally unnoticed altogether by the honey-blonde and other times standing there beside her with an exasperated expression or bored grimace etched firmly into his chiseled features. Her brother was the reason that she had been able to come this far in life, mostly untouched by reality's cold fingers that had a way of wrapping around every heart and soul at one point in their lives. It was almost illogical, the eagerness with which the young woman trusted a complete stranger who could just as easily give her a false alias and play the part of someone wanting to be friends only to try and see what she might yield that would be worth attempting to exploit or manipulate. Without Lazarus, it was more likely than she even stopped to think of that someone would have come along and tried to harm her. Only once had there been such an experience in her life that left her shaken and wondering about the world and those in it, but even that night in the alley she hadn't been alone, the white-haired witch quickly coming to her aide and keeping her from becoming yet another statistic or headline in the Sacrosanct Times.
Not even for a second did she consider what it was that Frost might be like, hardly wondering if perhaps there was some sort of dark past she couldn't see with a simple glance. For the huntress, what he might have done didn't matter in the least. It wasn't as though her brother hasn't done things in his past that Ellie knew of and disagreed with. Even for all the drinking and recklessness her brother has bene prone to for as long as she's known him, Ellie could not imagine a world without him in it. He's vandalized and been picked up by the cops a handful of times for being where he shouldn't and doing things that were far from considered within the law's parameters, but none of that would ever hold any sort of bearing on the unwavering love and loyalty that she held for the dark hunter. While she certainly did not know Frost on such a deep level, the same still applied for the man she could hardly keep from smiling at the thought of. As far as she was concerned, while he had been almost cruel to her friend Lani for the teasing and taunting that had clearly left the blue-eyed blonde uncomfortable, the way that Ellie had seen him, the man with those unusual white locks and vibrant amethyst eyes had hardly meant any harm â€" well, true harm â€" to her friend or herself. He'd even taken quite a liking to her baking! And seeing the way that he would pick slowly at those cupcakes delighted her greatly, just as so many small things in her day to day world did. He'd readily indulged her curiosities, entertained her with those daffodil eyes and left her with his phone number written on a small piece of a napkin from Inner Sanctum. These actions, though frightfully small and so easily interpreted by others as gestures which could have easily meant absolutely nothing, had spoken volumes to her. If he was nearly as bad as those in the café seemed to regard him as, then she doubted that he would have treated her the way he had that day. He could have easily been mean to her, but he hadn't been. In her eyes, she thought of him as misunderstood. So, as far as Elie was concerned, they were friends. What else could he be to her?
Glacier blue eyes watch in amusement as the other man slinks off like the snake in the grass that he likely was, her full attention now turning to her friend, unable to miss the faintest traces of a smirk etches into his features when he caught sight of her own impish grin. Oh, the fun that they could have likely had if the man would have tried to stand up to Frost! It was rather unusual, the boldness that he brought out in the young woman, and yet she enjoyed it all the same. She was hardly capable of acting in such a way on her own, but when she knew that there was nothing to fear, that she was not alone, how could she not try and join in the fun? Such things were so often better with company than they would be alone, after all. He waves a hand at her insisting she owed him something for having seemingly appeared out of thin air only to convince the unwanted presence of a stranger to leave her in peace to enjoy the afternoon free of uncertainty and discomfort. It never ceased to amaze her how the universe so often seemed to provide most things one needed, and goodness knows that she was thankful that it had been Frost instead of her brother. The last thing she wanted was for some sort of brawl to happen and the cops to be called, because that was exactly what would have happened had it been Lazarus. Instead, not only did she get to enjoy her day, but now she got to enjoy it with a friend! And spending time with friends, especially unexpected time, was always a wonderful surprise for Ellie. He glances around them for a moment, and out of mere curiosity, the honey-blonde does the same. Was he waiting for someone? Was that guy coming back? She didn't see him, or anything walking towards them for that matter. Turning her glacier gaze back to see Frost now sitting with legs crossed under him, she smiles brightly as she picks up the back and offers it to him as an on-the-spot token of appreciation. He eyes the paper bag for only a moment before slipping his hand into it and retrieving one of the scones, Ellie happily taking the other and nibbling on it, a quiet hum of delight coaxed from her by the sweetness of the baked treat. She watches him curiously as he sniffs it before taking a bite, violet eyes shifting to betray the ever so fleeting and subtle surprise at the taste.
His words have her giggling sweetly to the man, flattered that he would think she'd made them herself when they probably trumped most of her baked goods by a long shot."You're welcome", she replies, her voice as warm and radiant as her smile."I didn't make them, but I could probably give it a try if you'd be interested in being my taste-tester", she adds light-heartedly, eyes of early morning frost glittering at the idea of having him over for a day of baking. It would be fun, having the man over for lunch or dinner sometime! Well, without her brother there, of course. As much as she loved him, she didn't really want to have him being a jerk to her friend. Now, that certainly did not mean that the huntress even considered for a millisecond that Frost couldn't handle her brother. His bark was truly worse than his bite honestly, but she also didn't enjoy strife between those that she adored, and what with Lazarus and Vhalla at odds, and Frost and Lani clearly incompatible, Ellie was happy to schedule her fun with each of her friends so that everyone was happy and tension-free. When she asks the man what it was he was up to on this beautiful afternoon, she truthfully expected something as simple as a "just hanging out" or "I'm meeting someone here" sort of reply. She hardly ever expected anyone to divulge more than that, though it was always nice to know they trusted her with more than something vague. However, the answer that he gives her in his seemingly usual matter-of-fact town was probably one of the furthest things she could have even attempted to guess at. She knew that there were dark hunters here, but she hadn't heard of a mounted division before... And who was Alexander? His partner? Boss? His words left her with countless questions, but she refrains from bombarding her friend, simply tilting her head, his use of the words 'other werehorses' having her eyes bright with intrigue."Oh, so you're were?", she asks, lowering her sterling voice to a whisper as though it had been a secret he told her. Most didn't like for their identity to be made known, though Ellie wasn't one of these individuals herself. Race hardly mattered to her. A good heart was just that, nothing less.
Pausing only briefly, she can't help the curiosity which only seems to rise within her. Was he involved in some sort of war overseas or something? What use did the city have for a mounted division? She hadn't really seen any mounted police even, so it only deepened her interest and yet she reminds herself that it truly wasn't any of her business."Is that your job, assessing them? Or is this just some sort of... pastime thing?", she queries, trying to keep from asking too much should he not want to share. She hardly doubted he would say more than he wanted to anyway, but all the same she didn't want to seem like she was prying or anything. Her mother had always told her not to go putting her nose in someone else's business, so the young woman did her best to live by these words. Frost takes another bite of his scone before violet eyes fall to the book in her hands, his question following moment after and Ellie smiles."This is just my mother's cookbook. I'm try to think of what I should make for dinner later. Any suggestions? What is your favorite thing to eat?", she replies brightly, genuinely wanting to get to know the man more. She'd only just now discovered that he was were, or so his words imply, but it was a fleeting subject. She would much rather learn more about what he enjoyed eating, what it was he liked to do for fun, things that friends knew about other friends. Especially when she found out what day his birthday was, the huntress nearly growing excited at the idea of baking him something for that special day or making him a present once she knew more about him. And the, his gaze lifts up from the book to meet glacier blues, his next question having the honey-blonde shaking her head gently."I don't actually. My father used to be head of The Daray Council back in Elkgrove, but when my parents were killed, the council disbanded. But I do work for the Beachside Bar and Bistro as a waitress", she answers readily, hardly seeing any need to hide anything from the man. Besides, it would hardly be fair for her to ask him questions and not answers his own that he placed before her.
Friendship was all about giving, and Ellie was always happy to do so with him, even when she had yet to truly know him. That would come in time, and she was certainly content to wait patiently for the day she could say that she did.
Elain Chase Daray
image by etienne beauregard riverin