
The southern part of the city has a chic family-oriented sort of charm to it. Here, small locally owned shops run rampant, neighbors often know each other by name, and the monthly socials are an event not to be missed. In the South, children can often be seen safely playing in the park or on sidewalks and in the weekends, families often take to the beach to enjoy the warm waters surrounding the city.

What You'll Find Here

Ascension Center of Equitation
Hyde Park
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
The Outskirts
The University of Sacrosanct

just you and the moon on my skin

Posted on November 30, 2019 by isolt griffin

isolt griffin

I'm more alive than I've ever been

The barest suggestion of a devious simper blossoms upon Isolt's lips with the timely approach of her husband, for both of them knew all too well that an attempt to deny the lure of the other's flesh was naught but a fool's errand. The caress of his fingers at her back as he slides the zipper downwards with a single deft movement is a spark set skittering nearer to the powder keg of the lust that sears her every nerve, the hormones of pregnancy having awoken within Isolt the deepest, most carnal hunger for her lover that she had yet experienced. She yearned for his hands to caress far more intimate places as they made short work of her wedding gown, the silken fabric pooling about her ankles in a veritable puddle of palest blue. A heady moan escapes her as Damon pulls her flush with him, his lips searing a line of passionate caresses against the slope of her shoulder. Either unable or unwilling to be without the caress of his fingers for even a moment more, Isolt coils her delicate digits against the hand that roves over her hips, lifting it instead to the ample swell of a breast made all the more generous by her advancing pregnancy. The sensation is immediate, electric, and she allows her head to rest upon Damon's chest as her eyes flutter to a close in a moment of unadulterated euphoria.

She hardly notices, and truly she does not care, when her lover rids her of those last fabric bindings that separate the pallor of her bare flesh from his ever-roving hands. Nor does she protest as he lays her upon the perfectly-appointed bed. The lustful boldness of Isolt's eyes soften notably as Damon reclines to the telling mound of her stomach, whispering his assurances and brushing the softest caress of his lips against her taut flesh. A single hand raises to brush a few wayward strands that dangle haphazardly against his forhead before he recedes.

The fire-crowned woman reclines herself just so, propping her body up upon the curves of her elbows, the burning azure of her eyes only leaving those of her husband as he then bares himself to her. She consumes him wholly with her wandering gaze, unabashed and unapologetic for the manner in which her eyes rove over every inch of tantalizingly exposed flesh. Isolt's teeth scrape against the cherry pillow of her bottom lip as she considers him and his query in silence for a few heavy moments longer before slowly and purposefully nodding in affirmation.
