Alexander Macedonia
when I walk into the room there's nothing you can do
To stop me from making moves
I'm coming for you
A soft yawn echoed upon the Dark Hunter's lips as Alexander emerged from the small tent. The scent of coffee was poignant in the chilled morning air and how it called to him. The oceanic hue of his gaze briefly swept over the darkened campsite, the conqueror noting the puppy several feet away that had taken to feverishly sniffing a tuft of grass upon the ground to the ever alert stallion still tightly tied to the post Alexander had left him at. He was aware of the dun stallion across the campsite with both ropes still intact and the quiet stillness of Khan's larger tent. The vampire would inevitably be awake despite the eerie stillness within his tent. The rest of the camp, after all, was already in the early stages of activity. There was an apprehension within the air, a readiness to be off the moment the sun rose and the race was allowed to continue across the Mongolian plains as they vied for that coveted first place. "Peritas, come." He murmured to the puppy. The very sound of the dog's name seemed to ensnare his attention, prompting the hound to near trip over himself in his eagerness to follow behind his rescuer as Alexander headed to the riders that had slowly begun to congregate around the breakfast table.
The Dark Hunter was entirely unsurprised that the topic of the previous evening's events had surfaced a number of times - the queries directed towards him were plentiful, even if he had little information to offer the group at large beyond a deceptively warm smile and a vague shrug of his shoulders. What the group did largely agree to, however, was that Khan's stallion had clearly been the antagonizer, the Mongolian's belittling of Alexander and his steed in turn had prompted a fair bit of speculation and incredulousness from the riders that had witnessed it. It was the general curiosity of what had prompted the scuffle between the two stallions in the first place, however, that even the Macedonian found himself...lingering upon. After all, even the other riders were experienced enough to know how peculiar it was that the horses had clashed over neutral territory - with nothing to invoke such outrage as to break the rope fastening Khan's stallion to it's post and cross the entire camp. Though the conversation slowly, eventually, shifted away from the topic of Khan, Alexander still found himself contemplating that rather peculiar puzzle.
It was only once the Dark Hunter had some resemblance of breakfast and what he was certain was the worst tasting coffee he'd had the unfortunate pleasure of drinking that he left the group. The rising sun peeking over the horizon, after all, was enough to prompt the camp to scurry in their efforts to tear down and mount up before the fateful hour of six. Alexander was, in this, no different. He was quick to set about to his task of breaking down the small tent, even with Peritas nipping at his heels and every tab of the tent he could get his small teeth on. How...energetic the puppy was! Though Alexander was willing to allow it if only for the hope that he would settle for the long ride ahead of them. The saddle bags were quickly packed up again, leaving little else beyond Frost's tact. Alexander lifted the saddle up and into his arms, only to approach the thus far silent steed. The Macedonian lifted the saddle up and onto Frost's back, that thought hanging in the forefront of his mind as his fingers deftly saw to the straps that kept the saddle in place. He was aware of Frost's tail swishing against his flanks, just as his gaze lifted but briefly to follow his stallion's own to the opposite side of the camp. Khan had finally emerged from the darkness of his tent, it also packed away with the same swiftness as Alexander had. Saddling the unruly stallion, however, hardly seemed to be working quite as easily for the Mongolian.
The oceanic blue of his gaze turned back down towards the strap he was fastening as Frost's voice entered his thoughts. His stallion's explanation of the event was rather...unsatisfying. His eyebrow rose ever so slightly as his gaze turned towards the steed's face, meeting those violet eyes rather head-on. How blatantly obvious it was that Alexander hardly believed that it had stopped there. It was Frost's insistence that there was a mare that caused his head to tilt to the side ever so slightly. Now that certainly explained why Khan's stallion had charged across the entire campsite for Frost. Whomever this wild mare was, the dun steed had clearly either believed she was his territory or had intended to make her his. What was curious, however, was that Frost had taken an interest within the mare in the first place. His stallion, after all, had been surrounded by mares throughout various points of the race and had yet to display even an inkling of intrigue within them. What had made this one so...different? How those speculations were content to swirl vaguely throughout his mind as Alexander approached the post, his fingers deftly undoing the knot that had kept Frost securely tied to the tree. He reached for the bridle, only for Frost to lower his head far more readily than even Alexander had anticipated.
His steed's vibrant violet eyes stared intently at him as Frost insisted the mare was no mere horse. Quite on the contrary, his stallion was certain she was a Were. That, combined with the fact that she had insisted she had seen them, could be...exceptionally problematic. His brows furrowed in consideration as Frost continued to recount the rest of the tale. It seemed that she was nothing short of unique, this mare, if she could enamor both Frost and provoke Khan's dun into a frenzy. How...weary that made him. After all, if she was a Were, surely she was not short on her own powers. Was this one of them? Some sort of...attraction? His gaze shifted to the ground underfoot, the Macedonian briefly contemplated finding her if only to secure her silence lest she put their race into jeopardy. There was, however, little evidence to be seen of anything leaving the immediate area and yet...before Alexander threw out that tale as impossible...he was rather certain he saw hoofprints approaching the camp from alongside the spot that had once been his own tent. Following the trail after her would be, it seemed, impossible. That audible breath from Frost's nose drew his gaze upward as the stallion insisted that this...mare...was no mere mare were-horse either. She was, it seemed to be, a unicorn. Both brows rose almost skeptically as Alexander stared at his mount, altogether aware that he could hardly voice his thoughts with so many around them. A unicorn. Really?
Fortunately, Alexander hardly needed to speak exactly how...skeptical...he was of this unicorn's existence. Frost seemed entirely aware of how seemingly impossible such a thing was. It was rediculous even! Still, he was hardly oblivious to that near wistful tone within Frost's thoughts. "Incredible...?" He repeated, only to reach up and run his hand through his hair with a soft sigh. This Were was seemingly capable of illusions and seduction, it would seem. "Frost, there is --" That thought was cut off entirely by a cry that echoed from across the camp. Khan's stallion had reared in an effort to escape the pain the saddle had accosted him with - though truly Alexander had thought Khan might have noticed and taken precautions against such a thing in the first place. His lips pursed together as his head shook ever so slightly in dissatisfaction, only to reach up and brush his hand against Frost's nape in a genteel gesture that almost bordered upon affectionate. His warhorse, after all, had proven yet again how worthy he was of such a title. "Peritas." He called to the puppy who had wandered off, the very sound of his voice prompted the dog to come rushing back. Alexander scooped the creature up in his arms as he moved to Frost's side with the intention of mounting up to join the group that had begun to congregate on the edge of camp, ready for those last few minutes to pass.
It was Frost's inquiry, however, that caused him to pause for a brief moment of contemplation. "I believe you met a Were-horse with an ability for teleportation and probably illusions that rivals yours. There is no such thing as a Unicorn, least, there has never been one that I have ever heard of, or met." There were, after all, distinctly few things in life that Alexander had not seen or witnessed first hand after so many endless years upon the earth. How...unlikely it was for unicorns to wander without himself coming across a single one. "What I am more concerned about - is what she intends to do about your wings."