That offer to 'talk' about her sad love life was new and yet she couldn't quite tell if the man was mocking her or not. She looked at him strangely like she caught a whiff of some strange smell before she spoke. "Why? The past is 'dead' and gone... and I am here. I actually find a little self-care goes a very long way..." Dark and delightfully delicious devilish thoughts played within her mind, but not for long. Morgan did not bother to elaborate on what her current regime actually consisted of. Especially as the conversation soon shifted to the peeping tom in that paper. How boring. But, he did have a point. What else were they to write about? "I guess your right." She shrugged lightly, the move dainty for her current masculine form. If that was all they had to write about, how dull this city must be. How... sad. Perhaps it needed a little bit of stirring up. It was almost a good thing that she hardly sought after that level of glory, of making a paper's headlines this time around. For not the first time in several centuries, she decided to reinvent herself, to 'try' and keep a low profile, like she promised. After all, this was her chance to reinvent a new life in Sacrosanct. That final comment about her powers surely meant more than what he was saying and yet all she did was take it as praise. Even if that was unlikely his intention. "That is true. Not everyone can be me." She practically preened like a peacock. "But the true takeaway is, I don't need this gift to be good. This is what I do for 'fun'." The shapeshifter's eyes gleamed with a telltale signature of mischief.
Yet as the moments wore on, it became even more apparent that the blond vampire was making fun of her. How she never did well with that. Annoying.
Of course, a man would wonder what he would get in return for those secrets within that bland paper.. Regardless, the offer presented was one that would be hard to refuse. No one ever said no. Not to this. Surely it was a small price to pay to allow her a glimpse into that old, entirely useless paper of his! Well, useless with the exception of that one curious article that she wondered about the real truth behind it. Could he be fooling her? Yet she always seemed to enjoy this game and its anonymity. What did she truly have to lose except time... and the vampire had endless amounts of it. But why, of all things, did she have to focus on this? Oh, the things she got herself into.
Morgan briefly explained her own limitations with her power, surely no harm in sharing that. Objects were off the table. What a mind to consider an object first! The next he inquired if she could shapeshift into an animal. Really? Just what kind of kinky nonsense was this tall blond vampire into? An exasperated sigh left the shapeshifter's lips, a sound meant to be feminine. "Let's save that for the Weres, shall we?" No, she could not turn into an animal either. Yet the possibilities were still endless. Besides, animals were boring. Not when the human form was far more complex and so many to choose from. So many types, and so many characteristics that made someone unique in so many ways. From the shape of their body, the shade of their eyes, and the freckles on their skin. Each and every being was unique, all the way down to the very last fingerprint. How utterly fascinating that could be.
Yet she could not help herself from returning to that paper once more. Was he going to keep it from her forever? Surely this wasn't some means to trick her? Yet it hardly concealed all of that eagerness that fueled her down this ever-winding and adapting path. She had almost forgotten the initial reason she had come to play.
How the woman was quite good at trickster ways but she was never able to hide what she wanted. How he must have seized on it. He was better than she gave him credit for. Oh, boo. He wanted her to go first. He was no fool. Ah, he must have been burned before. Of course, he had, especially with how old he was. Hadn't they all? The other vampire tsked at her and wagged his finger, her eyes following the movement, quite certain she was tempted to bite what was placed in front of her face. But she did possess some manners, She feigned an expression that could only be defined as sulking. It was a rather animated gesture for the form she still wore. Her hands toyed with the fabric upon her knees, lowering her gaze in time to catch the way he slid the paper underneath his leg to make it near impossible to take it from underneath his nose, to guard it.
The blond vampire then claimed he would not get his turn if he went first before that gaze flicked upward to study his face. "Aw, no trust for me then?" That was when the other vampire truly came out to play, using the word nitty gritty to describe what exactly? The shapeshifter almost seemed exasperated as he offered just enough to keep her curious as he explained what he meant by his version of nitty gritty. The shapeshifter hung off every word. All of that was in that paper of his? His delivery.... was very good. She appeared in a trance by the growled, whispered tones of his voice, how it sounded so awfully close to desire. Maybe he was really into this form she wore. She found herself sinking into another spell, one she fought. Just as he stopped... Abruptly. What came after that? He left her on a cliffhanger! Now that was cruel and unusual punishment.
"Fine." She snapped her eyes up and looked him square in the eye, determined to find out more.
"So who is it that you desire me to be? Let us start with that." Fine, they would play by his rules. She would go first, perhaps just as a lady ought to.