
The southern part of the city has a chic family-oriented sort of charm to it. Here, small locally owned shops run rampant, neighbors often know each other by name, and the monthly socials are an event not to be missed. In the South, children can often be seen safely playing in the park or on sidewalks and in the weekends, families often take to the beach to enjoy the warm waters surrounding the city.

What You'll Find Here

Ascension Center of Equitation
Hyde Park
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
The Outskirts
The University of Sacrosanct

over the last crumbling mountain

Posted on April 16, 2023 by AISLINN

When the last moon is cast over the last star of morning
And the future has passed without even a last desperate warning

The ethereal unicorn's mere presence was enough to draw the attention of the Dun stallion. His ears pricked forward keenly upon his skull as he watched each graceful step from the fair maiden in blatant awe. She glided over the lush field, only to pause in front of the fence he stood behind. For a brief moment, the radiant pale blue of her irises brushed over the hides of both steeds, though Aislinn found herself terribly inclined to merely ignore the ivory stallion that had once enthralled her in the same way he seemed willing to overlook her as if she was as common as a deer. Her serpentine tail flicked behind her in a hint of irritation at the very memory, though she refused to afford him any further thought as she reached her head out towards the Dun, beckoning him closer towards her. His neck arched in a clear effort to display his muscles, his gait an eager trot even in spite of the damage his body had suffered at the hands of his reprehensible rider. It was movement from her periphery that briefly saw Aislinn's attention deviate from the approaching stallion. The Pegasi had finally noticed her existence, his eyes steadfast upon her in a blatant stare, one that so opposed the flippant way in which he had previously dismissed her. Her head rose in a display of aloof superiority, her stark alabaster locks sent askew by the gesture, those perfect curls bouncing briefly before falling again against her nape.

The powder blue of her irises turned back towards the Dun as she reached out to him, altogether encouraging that touch he desired to beset her with. Her ears flicked at the muffled sound of the Draft's heavy footfalls, though her focus hardly wavered as she allowed her own affinity to spill forth in a celestial display of pale light. Her power made her already immaculate coat glisten with an otherworldly brilliance, the twisting horn upon her head appeared as if it's very makeup was of pure, radiant light that embraced them both. It took such little effort to chase away the damage that the Dun had suffered, to repair his lungs back to their once perfect state, before they had been decimated thanks to that vile, hedonistic vampire. That blight was one she would have loved to eradicate entirely but, for now, Aislinn would make due with purifying the mount that certainly had not deserved the treatment he had received. She pulled back with her task finished, that once brilliant light diminished into a soft ethereal glow that seemed ever present around the unicorn. Her head tilted as she watched the Dun press closer against the fence in some effort to reach her. He seemed to regain a hint of...feistiness that had previously been lacking. The pale blue of her gaze slid towards the ivory steed as he joined the pair at the fence in the corner of his own paddock. His apathetic words pressed into her thoughts though Aislinn hardly offered any indication that she had heard them at all. She detested to even admit to herself that she found herself rather...liking...the smooth, deep sound of his voice.

Some instincts, however, could hardly be denied. Aislinn found herself entirely aware of the way both stallions strove to put themselves upon display. She noted each curve and bulging muscle, each line of definition that displayed their physical prowess. Her attention had apparently lingered too long upon the white steed as a roar of irritation from the Dun immediately demanded her gaze. The unicorn watched impassively as the smaller steed lunged over the fence and towards his far larger counterpart. How quickly the ivory equine moved to avoid that nip, his own leg colliding heavily against the fence in an echoing retaliation. Aislinn was content to take several steps back from the fenceline, keeping herself out of reach once again from either stallion as she watched the small dun wheel away, only to take to prancing within his paddock in an effort to regain Aislinn's eyes upon him. He seemed....better then before, though she had little notion if those high steps were a true testament to his physical capabilities or merely a painful show for herself alone. The ivory steed's voice reached out to her again, that amusement clear within his tone as his gaze shifted briefly towards his 'competition', though this query was offered little more than the same silence as his last effort to speak with her. Forgiveness, after all, was not something the vengeful mare was content to offer freely. Nor was she terribly certain that he deserved it.

It was his final question that finally provoked Aislinn to break her silence. Oh, how she refused to let him have any satisfaction after he had insulted her so greatly! "That vile vampire desecrated his horse. I merely came to fix what was broken...I have no further words to spare for you." Her soprano voice was pressed into his mind before the unicorn moved from her once poised position. Her every action was purposeful as she picked up a swift trot, easily making her way around the periphery of the Dun's paddock and, in turn, further away from the white steed she had once expressed an interest within. She was purposeful in her efforts to force both steeds to move - allowing her the chance to ensure her healing of the Dun was successful and, perhaps more pettily, demanding her ivory stallion chase her if he wished to continue any effort to speak to her. How easily she looped around the Dun's paddock, her gait slowing only as she reached the point in the back fence where the fence line intersected with her ivory stallion's own. Her pace returned to that slow, almost gliding walk as she maneuvered around the outskirts of the Pegasi's paddock, the ethereal mare hardly affording him even a glance as she held her head high with a clearly unwavering pride.

Then look into the sky where through the clouds a path is torn
Look and see her how she sparkles
it's the last unicorn
