
The southern part of the city has a chic family-oriented sort of charm to it. Here, small locally owned shops run rampant, neighbors often know each other by name, and the monthly socials are an event not to be missed. In the South, children can often be seen safely playing in the park or on sidewalks and in the weekends, families often take to the beach to enjoy the warm waters surrounding the city.

What You'll Find Here

Ascension Center of Equitation
Hyde Park
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
The Outskirts
The University of Sacrosanct

ice, ice baby (Calliel)

Posted on January 28, 2015 by Rixon Leifsson
 photo 1638b989-d1ad-4590-8c4d-4d16fc4716cb_zps770e0cc5.jpg

He had never truly been driven by the need to exercise and yet he had come to find more often then not that restlessness within him had become near overwhelming. Perhaps it is merely the nature of his species, an animal designed to embody the very epitome of freedom, yet perhaps it is more so that he has been designed, trained, perform a task, one that the current lack of battle or war sees very little need for him and as such the man is left with far to much energy- an energy often expelled in entirely the wrong manner and yet- what is a war horse to do without a war to fight? The need to be outside today had driven him from the confines of his home and back into the woods and fields of the South side, the open plains of the park and endless trails within the forests that surrounded providing a serenity some part within himself had come to crave. He is bored, restless, too much energy contained within a being whom has no battles left to fight and as such must entertain himself with other means- at least for today. Claire had been asleep and as such he had left her there, collapsed beneath the pile of books she had taken for herself from his library- her inability to read Icelandic having merely seen him silently question how far in any of the stories she had truly gotten before he had stepped from the house and into the crisp air of the morning, dropping his own power if only to allow himself to feel that biting cold for a few moments in which he stripped his shirt from his form and tossed it to the side.

The shift in forms came easily enough, after all, it was always the return to human he found so much harder, the young man replaced with the towering stallion as heavily feathered hooves carried his form with ease across the frosted earth, this form designed to plunge through snow with relative ease. It is rare for the man to take his animal form within the day, a horse a hardly inconspicuous creature, one better released in the night and yet the day is cold, the morning early, the park sure to be his own at least for a few more hours before other beings decided to encroach upon it. For now however- this space was entirely his own, his own white gold form blending easily with the snow itself as those heavy hooves easily carried the stallion along the path and between the wrought iron gates that lead into the park- the man finding no need to conceal himself this morning. Each heavy, heated breath saw reams of smoke pour from his nostrils, neck arched over in a manner that saw each muscle ripple and coil beneath as his pace moved into a trot, a jog of sorts- that long stride eating away at the earth.

He desires to go faster, the urge to gallop a palpable thing in as much the same as his need to kick his heels stirs within him and yet- he refuses entirely to allow his animalistic side that form of control, maintaining this steady trot around the empty park like any earlier morning jogger. He is a prey species by definition and yet the very thing that stamps upon a creature this status of prey is an animal the flees before it fights, instinct commanding from them a desire to crumble before an opponent, to fight only as a last resort and yet since his youngest days he has been determined to overcome such useless instincts, commanding the animal within him rather then allowing it to dictate his action and thought- that desire to run, a distinctly equine desire, ignored entirely- at least for now, head tossed to send that ever thick mane askew and in every direction, hooves beating a pattern against the earth all the same as those first few rays of sun bring some warmth to his coat and work to chase away the tangle of thoughts that have taken up residence within his mind to be considered later less they flummox him entierly. For now he merely sought to engage in such exercise- if only to be rid of the energy that plagued him.

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